
Foolish Girl


She/her, 23. Main website: winguthings.com

I love the exasperated vibe of this ask. Yes! Before I wanted to become an artist I wanted to be a marine biologist. If I couldn't do any creative endeavors it'd be my second career choice in a heartbeat. I'd love to make a video talking about tide pools, esp since apparently so few people actually know what happens in them!!


making cute concept art of an educational video on tide pools, here's me and my assistant puppet, Harvey :)

harvey puppet concepts??? the old bird puppet i used was made of foam but i think with my current resources fabric would work much better

concept for how to frame talking with the puppet!

thought this would be like serious video essay stuff. this is cool too tho

Kind of a mix actually! I think I want this to still be aimed at adults, but I've found a lot of educational content for adults is either really dry or leans too much into being "adult". I think it'd be fun to use the mannerisms and vibes of a children's education project without the restrictions that come with it. Adults deserve fun education too!!



I love the exasperated vibe of this ask. Yes! Before I wanted to become an artist I wanted to be a marine biologist. If I couldn't do any creative endeavors it'd be my second career choice in a heartbeat. I'd love to make a video talking about tide pools, esp since apparently so few people actually know what happens in them!!


making cute concept art of an educational video on tide pools, here's me and my assistant puppet, Harvey :)

harvey puppet concepts??? the old bird puppet i used was made of foam but i think with my current resources fabric would work much better


Imagine you wake up one day as a Minotaur or similar anthro cow being. You remain yourself in mind and soul, can still speak human lanquages, and have hands with fully functioning digits. What's the first thing you do?


go YESSSS!!!!! YEEEESSSSSS!!! and then dig a hole with my head and then go OOOOOOOOO


not to worry! this is a bull, and he's exhibiting perfectly normal behavior! bulls like to dig pits and yell so they can show everyone around them how big and strong they are!

lots of little creatures actually use these bull pits to warm themselves in the nice, fertile soil, and it helps to stimulate plant growth there :3


Slowpoke Girl doesn't exactly make enough money from streaming to pay for rent, so she has a part-time office job at Silph Co.!


Wearing a bra for the first time this shits a little restrictive but I do look fuckin awesome

Restrictiveness feeling cancelled I look hot as hell in this good lordt. I must buy more

debating on posting pictures of me in it on here because i dont wanna get nuked on but on the OTHER hand i look extremely good and want to show off how euphoric i feel in this fit

i really dig some folks suggestion to just draw it so i traced over my selfie :3


This video is so fucked up in context that this is clearly from a cattle farm therefore this little goober will get killed in aproximatly 12 months so we can eat him.

hi! if this farm was planning to cull him for meat they would not be raising him as a bull! people don't really raise bulls to eat, the meat is a lot tougher than cow or steer meat and its not really worth the extra aggression, ya know? this lil fella is probably gonna be a service bull :)

i understand the hesitancy about cattle farming from the outside, if you'd like to read a lil bit about it i'd like to redirect you over here and here ! just to share a little bit of my perspective


plus, like, youre seeing this setting, right? grassy fields and seemingly wide enclosures in the background. raised with affection and activity. we're always going to eat meat. thats not going to end. and id much rather our meat be sourced from a happy animal killed quickly than something that grew up from a tiny-celled nightmarish factory farm. you should be glad your food had a good life, not outraged it ever felt happy or acted cute.


driving is so freaking fun guys dont you just love being in a big metal thing that can completely crush you if someone feels like doing stupid things on the road

this video is amazing. let's ennumerate the ways.

  • the way its sped up so the car comes off more like an excited dog waiting to go out.
  • the implication that apparently BMW drivers will actively ram into roadside gates as encouragement for the person in front of them to speed up.
  • the implication that the bmw driver will do all of this instead of just immediately illegally passing through the third lane if they're so desperate to pull ahead

I think you shouldnt assume somebodys driving conditions or make wild statements like 'the speed limit is a suggestion'


Well, now the city of Bakersfield has all of the Big Four teams! It's not just the Blues anymore! Me and @mirrorvi formulated the identities of the Bakersfield Captains, Bakersfield Rebound, and Bakersfield Blizzard! They all have quite the rich histories!

I can't be the one to detail all the lore here but it was a lot of fun to put together these uniforms!

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