A place where I yell my thoughts into the void, and hope someone will hear me.


The Core Beliefs Of Bronze Paganism

(This post is pinned so that people looking at my blog can get some idea what sort of beliefs I have.)

The Earth is the mother of life, for it provides a sanctuary on which life in all forms can spawn, take nourishment, and grow, in a way similar to how the womb provides a place for new life to be conceived and carried before birth.

Water is the father of life, for it fertilises the Earth the same way male seed planted within the womb provides the initial spark required to begin the creation of a new life.

The air we breath is the embryonic fluid in which life grows, and without it there would be an empty vacuum in which we could not live.

The world does not care about individual beings. No divine being passes judgment on what we do, nor how we do it. It does not seek to protect us, but nor does it seek to cause us harm. It is indifferent to our existence.

The world is not ours to conquer and rule. We have no birthright to domination over the planet or the stars that shine above us. No matter where Humanity goes – whether we remain on the earth we evolved on, or place homes on distant planets – we do so out of choice and desire, not because we have some irrefutable right or destiny to do so.

The world is our home. If it becomes unlivable, then we will meet our end. This simple truth must never be ignored, and is reason enough to do what we can to preserve the air we breath, the water we drink, and the earth we walk upon.

The same intelligence that allows us to change and reshape the world around us makes us aware of the impact we have on it. Awareness of the consequences of our actions comes with responsibility for them, and an obligation to minimise the negative effects of them.

Morality, intelligence, and emotions do not make us Human, it is our biology. The man or woman who exploits and harms others is just as Human as the ones who gives aid to those in need, and anyone who disagrees is insecure, a fool, or both.



he’s… he’s, you know, doing his best. in his way.

default durge arrives in the hades crossover multiverse or whatever terrible affliction has taken hold of my brain

(others in this series available here)

So I’ve Finally Watched Apology Tour!

And I don’t know how to feel. So let me speak in defence of Blitzo and pose questions for those around him. Please bear in mind this isn’t shitting on anyone or saying it’s all their fault. I’m just playing Imp’s Advocate.

“I’ve never looked down on you!” Stolas, like it or not you seem to look down on every Imp you encounter. In Harvest Moon you refered to the crowed as ‘little wrathing Imps’, you called Blitzo your 'Impish little plaything’, exstinguished a cigarette on him, and almost exclusivly refer to him by pet names.

“Your first instinct is that it’s always about sex.” Your first meeting with him at the Not Divorced party, you joked that he was there to ravish you, out of the three times we’ve seen you call him two of calls opened with you mentioning his dick or talking about him sexually, and one of them ended with you still talking about the sexual things you wanted to do, and the only regualar interaction you’ve had with the guy is for sex. Have you heard of 'Pattern Recognition’?

“It’s not an Imps place to protect a Goetia.” Your kind are viewed as unkillable Stolas. Every Goetia shows their power so as to make themselves seem untouchable by their lessers, so is it really so hard to imagine that Blitzo wouldn’t really believe that you could be actually hurt?

Blitzo went around saying sorry to the people he’s wronged, but has anyone ever said sorry to him? Has Cash ever said sorry for renting him out to a Goetia with orders to steal everything he could? Has Loona ever said sorry for being so aggresive with someone who just wants to love her? Have Fizzarolli or Asmodeus said sorry for making the Robo Fizzs hate Blitzo as part of their programing, a feature that almost no-one who buys them will care for or understand? Has anyone who’s hurt Blitzo first ever said 'I’m sorry’, or is he the only one expected to do so?

Blitzo was suprised to see so many people at the Blitzo Hate Party, amazed that he fucked so many people. How many of the people their were actually in a relationship with him? How many even knew him at all? I don’t find it hard to imagine that at least some of them were just invited to come along with their friends who actually hate Blitzo, and just joined in on the hate despite knowing nothing about the guy they’re shitting on. Think of it like Guy Fawkes Night. It’s unlikely that anyone’s still alive who was around when his treason attempt failed, but we still have a whole day where we burn an effirgy of him at a stake just because it’s a party. It’s not really about the guy himself, it’s just an excuse to get together with other people, get drunk, and have fun.

The end song had the line 'I’m over you,’ and if it’s Verosika singing, I’m calling bullshit. You still have his name visibly tattooed on your arm, host a yearly party devoted to hating him, and when he challenged you to a Demon Duel in 'Spring Broken’, you had your stage decorated with banners saying 'Fuck You Blitzo’, despite the concert taking place in the living world where no-one will know who he is.

So yeah, that’s my rant done. What do you think? And if anyone could tell me how to type a crossed out 'O’ on this site, that would be great.

From what I’ve seen on Twitter, I’m not sure I want to watch the new Helluva Boss episode. Not because it seems bad, but because it seems like it’ll tear me apart emotionally.



finished this painting
i wanted to write an acompaniing drubble, but i want to post this as soon as possible so yeah, you can probably come back for the drussle because i still want to write it

i’ll apreciate any interaction with this post!!

In Baldur’s Gate 3, is it possible to kill The Emperor after defeating The Netherbrain if I let him consume Orpheus?


For a long time I’ve toyed with the idea that my Sith characters in The Fenrir-verse might end up having to leave the Sith Empire and end up making their own order of Force Users. I’ve come up with a set of tenats that their order would follow, and I’d like some opinions on whether the tenats could be followed and still have it be an order of Darksiders.

  • Love can grant power as much as hate and is not to be dismissed.
  • Family is a treasure to be cherished and protected. Not a tool to used, nor a hindrance to be removed.
  • Relics, weapons, and armour of The Force belong to Force Users.
  • Weapons forged with The Force are not for practice. To draw them means intent to cause harm.
  • A weapon forged with The Force is an extension of the one who forged it. To alter it without consent, is an insult.
  • Knowledge kept hidden grows stagnant, and is forgotten. Knowledge shared amongst those able to use it, can be refined and perfected.
  • Study of The Force takes priority over any other discipline.

Behold Tavira, the Dark Urge/Alfira child I made, a Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer, and the robe she’s wearing is the starting robe for that class with the Drake General Dye from the Digital Deluxe Upgrade.