
Tire Gay Sheepie™


I'm a furry who will post my doodle, I have a Twitter where I'm more active.

i think of this video once a week


Transcription: A man stands in front of the camera with the caption “A story time from when I was a girl” next to him and trans flags adorning the video. “Ayo, let me give y’all a story time. You know I’m transgender, I was born a girl I transitioned into a man but let me give y’all a story time from when I was a girl. So, me and all my stud friends, we getting ready to go to this party we all dressed in all white.  One of my friends decided like, ‘Ay y’all, let’s all wear our straps to the party.’ So we all dumb, ‘Aight, bet!’ So, we all wear it to the party. We get to the party, it’s a basement party, back in the day, you know what I’m saying, so, nobody can really see. So, this girl get to twerking on me, she feeling me, giving me her number, dadadadada (said to mean etc.) We meet up after the party at her house, me and all my friends. So, we all go into seperate rooms dadadadada. So, we did what we had to do. So, I ain’t talk to shawty for like, two and a half months and I get a random text from this number like, ‘Yeah, like I been trying to call you and talk to you.’ And I’m like, ‘For what?’ you know what I’m saying, [I’m trying to] ignore you, like, it was a one night thing. She’s like, ‘Yeah, I’m pregnant and it’s your baby dadadadada…’ And I’m like, ‘Shawty, I’m a girl.’ and like, showing her pictures of like, what, me in a sports bra. No, she like ‘No, that’s your sister I’m not stupid I know who I had sex with that night.’ Um, so, to this day I got a child out there. Hey son-”

finally. the first transmasc absentee father


diversity win, cis men no longer have monopoly on absentee fatherhood!


did jocat actually do anything problematic or did fall under the travis mcelroy trap of being a kind of cringy cishet dude who isn't irony poisoned enough for the internet.

like sorry if i'm wrong but this feels like completely normal dude behavior, like i think responding to internet strangers making fun of your appearance with "hey could you not do that" is like. perfectly reasonable actually


JoCat is one of the sweetest, most genuine people I know. He did nothing wrong, and people were cruel to him because they saw his kindness as weakness and his genuineness as cringe. Then more people were cruel to him because they saw a mob forming and decided to get in a few kicks on the Main Character Of The Week, perhaps on the assumption that anyone receiving an avalanche of hatred calling him Gay For Liking Women must have done something terrible to deserve it. It was a catastrophic failure of human goodness and to this day I am absolutely furious that so many people were so weak as to participate in this pointless peer-pressured cruelty.


hits the tip of your dick with a sledgehammer except that nothing happens because my non-euclidean pussy has turned your dick into a Prince Rupert's drop


I scratch my nuts and my dick explodes violently



I feel like a lot of people forget the furry community was built on queer sexuality and kink along with acceptance for being "different" and when people just go "I'm not like those freaks, I'm a wholesome good one" you're kinda just ignoring that side of history. it's ok to not be into that stuff and steer away from it but you gotta acknowledge the importance of queer furry sexuality.

I see so many younger adult/new age furries openly denounce the kinky side of the community in order to be more "marketable" and more accepted by outsiders but tbh nobody is gonna accept us because they are already squicked out by the idea of people wearing animal costumes.

it just makes me sad especially when these people are extremely repressed with their own sexuality and attraction towards furry smut.

Never forget one of the first recorded fursuits, Hilda. This community will always have place for kids and SFW spaces for those who don't wish to see that side, but you cannot separate the fact that kink and queerness are INHERENT to this community.



tumblr removed my header which was literally just this image

okay I know we’re only 4,000 notes in but look at the likes-reblogs ratio… it’s almost the same. Staff you done fucked up

12k now, there's a difference in the ratio now but still a close one. Wowsers Staff.

Good lord, staff

Mother of pearl you guys



Oh my god tumblr staff what have you done

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