
Foolish Girl


She/her, 23. Main website: winguthings.com

Fun Fact: Lack of top armor makes you 10x stronger ⚔️

Completed colored sketch for f0xengine on Twit!


Outta the way! The kings of Metal are charging in! 🤘🏼Meet Steel Stampede, fronted by the legendary Grant Ruffalo. In the world of Rock & Roar, heavy metal music was originated by, and belongs to, animals with horns, and that’s the origin of the “🤘🏼” hand symbol. The last image is a drawing of Grant from all the way back in 2013. Miles will meet these guys in chapter 4!

Anonymous asked:

im sad and dissapointed that you endorse eating cows, fuck u

hi! i can tell that you care about animals. you want to help them. thats awesome! thats so good!

this is the wrong way to do it, okay? animal agriculture is a cornerstone of human society. it existed long, long before us and it will exist long, long after. shaming people for eating cows will not end it. in fact, animal agriculture is the reason we have cows at all! and thats super special!

so, how can you help?

if you want cows to live long healthy lives, the easiest way to help is to support smaller local farmers! shaming anyone that eats meat not only does nothing to help animals, it keeps the power n money with all the big wealthy farming conglomerates that do actually mistreat animals!

cussing at people that advocate for animal welfare and humane farming practice helps no one. by behaving like this, you are harming your image, you are harming your cause, and you are harming cows. donate to the spca or something if you want to help, okay?

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