
Foolish Girl


She/her, 23. Main website: winguthings.com

Well, now the city of Bakersfield has all of the Big Four teams! It's not just the Blues anymore! Me and @mirrorvi formulated the identities of the Bakersfield Captains, Bakersfield Rebound, and Bakersfield Blizzard! They all have quite the rich histories!

I can't be the one to detail all the lore here but it was a lot of fun to put together these uniforms!


nearly 3AM, I wanted to draw the Detroit Red Wings Cougar - originally I decided on falcon, but given that the Lions and Tigers are big cats themselves it only made sense to continue the trend!

leather jacket, cool attitude... with 3 of the Big 4 Detroit teams now, I gotta make a decision about the Detroit Pistons eventually. I don't follow basketball... someone else will have to make the decision for me

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