
Owl yourself


30, she/her, german. A few attempts to write and create, and reblogs of funny and serious stuff.

okay you know those virtual science labs they made you do in high school?

i bet they’d have mad science versions at evil high school

You know what? I’m going to take a stab at making an evil version.

They’re basically glorified slide shows, so I should be able to do it with my current skill set


excited to see where this goes

I’ll probably use the same style that I used here for it:

update: you can fuck up

fun fact: it’s basically feature complete at the moment. I just need to make all the art for it

last sneak peek I swear

about 36% done with the art and animations 🙏

My first pass on the graphics is nearly done!

I still want to add some flashy effects, as well as program in some additional text to give more context and information to make it more educational 😈

I might also spend some time doing a second pass on the graphics to re-structure some scenes and add in more hand-pixeled details, but we’ll see how exhausted I am by the time I finish the first pass

The game is now in a presentable state— I just have to wait for PayPal to finish up with its bullshit so you guys can give me tips if you’d like, and so I can offer bonus content


(game is free, but you're welcome to donate! I also have some bonus content if you do)


i remember adults telling me, as a kid, to listen to doctors and get my flu vaccine and any shots i could because they remembered Before.

then they started fighting Covid precautions.

i remember adults telling me, as a kid, that the ozone was disappearing and the earth was dying and we needed to recycle and save the planet.

now my parents think climate change is a myth.

i remember adults telling me, as a kid, that racism was a plague, that we had to love and accept everyone, that we should never judge before walking a mile in their shoes.

then they told me that protesting for my Black siblings was wrong.

i remember adults telling me, as a kid, that we needed to give to the poor. working at soup kitchens. making quilts. collecting food and money and supplies. building houses. because it was the christian and just plain right thing to do.

now they look at me, on food stamps with their grandchildren, and lament the "welfare state".

i remember adults telling me, as a kid, that it was easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven and that any rich man, especially an immoral one, should never run our country.

you can guess who they voted for.

i remember adults telling me, as a kid, so very much.

when did they forget?

Time to bring this back. Again.

Apparently this is evergreen. Dammit.


Say it with me now

You are never late to a fandom. Your fic is never "invalid" for being "late". Your fic doesn't need a high word limit. Your fic does not need a high standard. Your fic does not need to be highly popular. Your fic isn't less valid than a popular author's fic. Your fic isn't inheritly bad. Your fic is amazing. Your fic is valid. The only thing that matters is that you're having fun. Fandom is not consumption and consumerism. Fandom is fun, free and for the people. Fandom is not a popularity contest. We're all nerds at the end of the day.


is this the ORIGINAL?!???

oh holy shit i didn’t even know where this meme came from



This is sacred ground.

apparently the same guy also made this meme too


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