



movies where someone hears an important message only once and retains all the details….

girl if that were me, we’d be fucked. I have to reread emails like 4 times.

if it were me having to repeat my dead father’s instructions on destroying the death star:


I was in a college psych class, and the teacher was doing some kind of exercise about memory, patterns, and retention. He began with, “for instance, if I asked you what number the first letter of your name is in the alphabet, you wouldn’t be able to tell me right aw–” “Ten,” I said. “What?” “J. J is ten,” I said again. He stared at me. “I happened to learn it while looking at the alphabet when I was five or six, and it just stayed in my brain,” I told him. Then we did an exercise on retention. “I’m going to tell you a story,” he said, “and then I’m going to send you out of the room for five minutes, and when you come back, you have to repeat as much of the story back to me as possible.” He told me a long and meandering story with no plot or structure, just a random series of events, place names, actions, etc. Then he sent me out of the room. I looked at the wall for a while. He called me back in five minutes later, stood me up in front of the class, and asked me to repeat “just as much of the story as you remember.” Apparently while I’d been gone he’d been telling the class about how eyewitness accounts aren’t reliable because people don’t remember things well after a certain period of time. So I told his story back to him– not verbatim, but certain phrases were exact– and watched the consternation in his face as I accidentally blew up his (valid! and extensively studied!) lesson about how bad people’s retention is. “It’s like a song,” I tried to explain to him, and the class. “Or a poem. Every part of the story has a little tag to remember it. I looked at the chalkboard while you were saying this part. My leg itched while you were saying that part. A chair squeaked during the next part. Then I just have to come back and go over all the sensations that I had while you were” “Sit down,” he said. I sat. Turns out I’m Autisms Georg adn should not have been counted

ADHD version: A friend asked, on a field trip, why I knew the scientific name for Caltha palustris, “Well, we did that [one week long] field ID course [three years previously] and we saw it in one of the bogs”.

This, I was informed, is very much not a normal reason to remember the scientific name of a plant for the rest of your life.

It took me five whole years to learn when my partner’s birthday is.

I can remember specific details about games I played over two decades ago that I have not played since.

I once forgot it was my birthday. On my birthday. And when my sister (Who lived several hours away) jumped out of hiding and yelled happy birthday, I looked around to see who she was talking to.

I was one called because my granny had to go to hospital after returning from a trip somewhere. On trying to share the details with my sisters, I had no idea who I had spoken to on the phone, why she was going to hospital or which hospital it was she’d be in. I am now last on our phone tree.


The other day I had a really good idea for a story:

A high school Shakespeare club angrily splits into two groups when they can’t agree on the correct interpretation of Romeo and Juliet. One group thinks it’s a cautionary tale about the stupidity of youth and shallow lust; the other group think it’s a beautiful tragedy about poisonous hatred conquered by love. Reconciliation seems impossible-

-then a person from one group falls in love with a person from the other

#it would be better if somehow EVERY OTHER SHAKESPEARE WAS HAPPENING AT ONCE#like you got a benedict and beatice b-story#and then somebody see’s their dad’s ghost#and there’s cross-dressing#and three upperclassmen tell macbeth he will be drama club president

oh my god I need this nobody dies but SEVEN PEOPLE ARE EXPELLED


Exit stage left, pursued by the school mascot


(They are, of course, the Bears)


"if you are over 30 on Tumblr the mental illness won" "the aging fanbase of Tumblr" motherfucker if you are over 30 and have been here the entire time it means the mental illness didn't win we are still alive WE MADE IT


Four things that are 100% true and you should think about if you haven't already:

  • You don't have to be a boy if you don't want to
  • You don't have to be a girl if you don't want to
  • You can be a boy if you want to
  • You can be a girl if you want to

This isn't a joke. This is reality. Have you considered these facts? If not, maybe take a moment to think about it. How's your gender doing? If you don't like it, it can be changed. Hell, even if you do like it, maybe you'd like something else more?


I wonder how my life might have been different if someone had told me this 10, 20, or 30 years ago

yeah that's why I'm telling it to everyone now! so that they don't have to wait another 10,20, 30, or even 2 more years before they figure it out


so you’re telling me that “stuck a feather in his hat and called it macaroni” would be like saying “wrote a G on his belt and called it gucci”

that’s…a pretty good analogy actually


US moron came to town

Hunting for some coochie

Wrote a G up on his belt

And this bitch called it Gucci

Seeing my notifications get flooded with this every July 4th is the only thing I respect about America


grian doing a news anchor intro after joel has done at least two (with MANY weird intros under his belt) and starting to name his tools like joel (eg "hi joel" "i wonder if joel will notice i said hi") has made me think that grian has noticed joel has been having a lot of fun and started copying him and goofing around more often. like idk it feels a little bit like a "how do i have fun i know joel has fun i will study him to also have fun" and it makes me giggle but also i think its sweet how much of hermitcraft is just sharing ideas with each other. joel started doing silly intros and naming his tools stupid shit so grian followed suite using SCARS recording studio, a lot of them copy from each other on small things in builds (ie. the cat tails in the water or the hanging signs as fences) and take inspiration from each other and i think thats really cool.

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