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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Nick Robins-Early at The Guardian:

The US supreme court has struck down a lower court ruling in the case of Murthy v Missouri, in a decision that did not find the government’s communications with social media platforms about Covid-19 misinformation violated the first amendment. The court’s decision permits the government to call on tech companies to remove falsehoods, a key concern as misinformation spreads around this year’s presidential election.

The court ruled 6-3 that the plaintiffs had no standing to bring the case against the Biden administration, with conservative justices Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas and Neil Gorsuch dissenting. Although many of the arguments in the case centered on how governments and platforms interact with free speech online, the ruling focused more on procedural issues and a lack of legal grounds to bring the case.

“The plaintiffs, without any concrete link between their injuries and the defendants’ conduct, ask us to conduct a review of the years-long communications between dozens of federal officials, across different agencies, with different social-media platforms, about different topics,” conservative justice Amy Coney Barrett wrote. “This court’s standing doctrine prevents us from ‘exercis[ing such] general legal oversight’ of the other branches of government.”

The ruling is a win for the Biden administration and a blow to a longstanding Republican-backed effort to equate content moderation with censorship. Plaintiffs in the lawsuit, which included the founder of a far-right conspiracy website, argued that the government and federal agencies were coercing tech companies into silencing conservatives through demands to take down misinformation about the pandemic.An initial lower court ruling from a Republican-favorite judge in Louisiana accused federal agencies of taking on the role of “an Orwellian ‘Ministry of Truth’”. The US court of appeals for the fifth circuit partly affirmed that decision, stating that the Biden administration was responsible for platforms taking down content, and issued a sweeping injunction preventing communications between the government and tech companies.

The supreme court, in a decision written by Barrett, ruled that “the fifth circuit was wrong” in its conclusions. The court found that the plaintiffs failed to demonstrate that they faced substantial risk of harm from the government.

SCOTUS ruled 6-3 in Murthy v. Missouri that permits governments to assist with social media companies to remove misinformation (mostly of the right-wing bent, especially regarding COVID-19 misinformation).

The right-wing whine that content moderation standards = “censorship” didn’t play well even with the right-wing majority on SCOTUS.

“ I just rediscovered how glorious this image is so excuse me while I laugh uncontrollably every time I look at it again.
It was taken in Kensal Green Cemetery in February.

I just rediscovered how glorious this image is so excuse me while I laugh uncontrollably every time I look at it again.


It was taken in Kensal Green Cemetery in February.

Terry borrowed the white jacket from our editor, Malcolm Edwards, and grumbled that it did nothing to keep him warm on a very cold day.

“Sometimes you have to be cold to look cool,” I told him.

“It’s all right for you,” he said. “You’re wearing a leather jacket.”

“You could wear a leather jacket too.”

“I’m wearing white,” said Terry, pointedly. “That way, when they come after us for writing a blasphemous book, they’ll know I’m the nice one.”

(After the photo was taken we noticed the bat-winged hourglass, which we hadn’t seen during the photo session, and requested bat-winged hourglasses as a design motif in the book.)


It was taken in

Kensal Green Cemetery

in February.

Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.



Years ago I wandered around a cemetery for an hour so I could get this pic