
good times, noodle salad

@modernvintage / modernvintage.tumblr.com

modvinnie. Fandom old. I have a thing for heroes in leather jackets. I checked in to this Hotel California hellsite in 2009 and can’t leave. Who knows what you’re gonna find here.

I think there should be more depictions of just naked people in modern day stuff. Like paintings and sculptures from ancient Greece. I think too many people today equate nakedness with sex and sexuality and for some people and some situations, sure that’s what it is, but more often than not being naked is just being undressed. Nakedness can just be the human body without clothes it doesn’t always have to be sex and I think more people need to remember that


fireflies honestly make me cry a little. out of gratitude and wonder. thank goodness we live in a world with bioluminescence. thank goodness we live in a world where it can fly.


colin's hurt and confusion over pen not responding to his letters hits even harder when you remember that their last interaction before she ghosted him was the two of them saying they were special to each other 😭





Genuinely wish they would have opened with Penelope reading his letters but not responding.


Sometimes a creative outlet is a fun little hobby and sometimes it's a lifelong affliction. Like I crochet because making little woven animals sparks joy and I'm a writer whether I like it or not because I'm tormented by visions

Me crocheting: I made a duck ! ^_^

Me writing: pacing around talking to myself compelled by forces beyond my comprehension


I’d like to take a moment to thank Luke Newton for the voice he uses when playing Colin. I swear that those velvet smooth tones are part of the reason why he makes me feel so much.

The other half of the reason goes to his remarkable blue eyes that are perpetually shiny.

no because I until I watched his little skit on Jimmy Fallon, I didn't realize that wasn't just...him. Like I've watched all the interviews. There's no reason I shouldn't have picked up on it, ha.

He's as good as Nicola. I know that's gonna be an unpopular opinion. But he gave his all this season and held his own against her. Maybe even in some scenes was better. Penelope is a hard character to play and Colin could be boring, the random middle child, but Luke brought him to life, the same way Nicola did with Pen.

I don't get the hate. He's a really, really good actor.


I’m really starting to think that some of you are right that they had something against polin this season, because how do you have something as perfect as that dance clip and decide to chop it up with other people having conversations that they could have literally any other time instead. It should have cut to them in their own world like that and stayed there because, along with it being beautifully acted and shot, it was a perfect representation of their relationship as they’ve always been in their own world together because they are each others home and safe space

I think about Kate and Anthony and how their dances were so full of tension and longing. And I could not figure out why I wasn’t feeling that with S3 - bc I arguably love Polin more. Was it my own bias, even though I’m a fat woman in a happy friends to lovers marriage? 😅 I have witnessed their chemistry! Something was not clicking.

It was this. I remember the first watch being like why is the *wedding dance* in the background. Why is Francesca getting the face time? Why are they showing extras? None of it made sense.

I’m trying not to wade into too much debate but I read the show runner’s comments about changing Francesca’s story and honestly?

I think it’s telling that she saw herself in the thin, beautiful “lead”. That she decided to make Francesca queer and so front and center. Even if you forget Nicola for a second - this was Colin’s season! He was the featured Bridgerton. And yet.

I know it sounds like a bit of a reach and I’m trying to be logical but I’m picking up on a lot of bias between the scenes from the new showrunner. The way she defended the music choices as well. Just getting a lot of privileged millennial white woman self insert happening, which I *hate* saying but … I think it may be true. Sigh.

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