
Like Driving On Clouds


Good evening, sir. Forgive me. I was simply In need of some quiet? I have been in search of it all night. Perhaps we can enjoy the silence together?

Honestly I wasn’t jazzed about the pregnancy aspect of s3 HOWEVER Colin confessing his feelings to Penelope, proposing to her, and then getting her pregnant in a 12 hour window is actually very hilarious absolutely NO time was wasted


on this beautiful evening, i'm thinking about oliver stark saying how he wants to tell a happy but real story with buck and tommy 🥰🥰


absolutely don't think about the fact that Pen didn't write to Colin likely not just because she was very mad at what he said, but also because now that she had heard him laugh at the idea of courting her so openly, she was probably petrified at the thought that he had been responding to her letters out of politeness!! and not out of a real desire to write and communicate with her, and we know one thing Penelope hates is to be pitied!!!!

There's also set up for this idea with Prudence and Portia expressing disbelief at her writing him in ep 1 of s2, "He wouldn't waste his ink on you", Prudence says, and Pen can only respond with "He's my friend!" The fact that that is her only defense against the idea of his indifference to her, her belief in his respect and care for her. Without that reassurance that he does want to write her after the Featherington ball, she probably remembers what her family said about their correspondence and likely thinks that they were right, that he pities her.

She cares so much about manners AND connections between people, she of course didn't want to be that tackless girl who puts a man in an uncomfortable position because she can't take a hint, so she just stopped!She probably didn't even think he would notice oh my god!!!!

There are hints that there are beginnings of hope in her during s2, at the races they seem so familiar and close, referencing their letters and how they are up to date on each other's lives, her about his more than anyone else. Knowing that later, Pen thinks this perceived closeness is simply politeness, indulgence, and nothing else. During the confrontation at the four seasons ball she states resolutely to him that she knows she embarrasses him.

This is not true at all, but she had fully created a version of him in her head that didn' want to be associated with her, and how could you write to someone you know is capable at laughing at your expense? About courting nonetheless!! what were their letters other than a form of courting!! and hearing him rebuke that must be like a dagger to the heart for her.

She cares so much about manners AND connections between people, she of course didn't want to be that tackless girl who puts a man in an uncomfortable position because she can't take a hint, so she just stopped!She probably didn't even think he would notice oh my god!!!! anyway LETTERS PLOT REIGN SUPREME


There is something so fucking funny about Colin and Penelope quietly fighting while their mothers are across the room going "Okay but have you clocked this weird vibe?" "Yes I have! WTF is up with this weird vibe???"


The people on Instagram going insane about the Michael/Michaela switch are driving me bonkers. I'm so tired already, and it's been like a week. If it ruins the show for you, stop watching the show. Don't make this your whole personality pls

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