

@oysters-aint-for-me / oysters-aint-for-me.tumblr.com

My name is Shannon. 34-year-old nonbinary lesbian weirdo (they/them for now) located somewhere in MA, USA
I am a comedy enthusiast and currently in graduate school earning a masters degree in media studies, where iโ€™m studying the history of sitcoms and standup comedy, the relationship between humor, horror & trauma, and radio/podcast production. Ask me about any of these things I am ENTHUSIASTIC
if you have to say something to me and itโ€™s important please leave a comment on my pinned post! if itโ€™s private just comment on it and let me know you wanna chat, and i will try as hard as i can to get back to you!

Hey when you guys say something is for the lovers and the dreamers can you include me in that too? The lovers the dreamers and me if it's not too much to ask


ok iwtv is legitimately hilarious. i did not expect it to be so, like, classically funny? if that makes sense? like the scene where they bicker about the guy that louis killed for being a racist dick? and then the cut to the parallel coffins? beautifully goofy. chefs kiss. 100% into it

itโ€™s like the juxtaposition of this honestly absurd subject matter (killing a man for being racist and drinking his blood because youโ€™re a vampire) with ridiculous surroundings (two coffins right next to each other like any domestic leave it to beaver household) with a recognizable cadence (a couple having a little spat)โ€ฆ.and then the coffin peeeeaks open a little bitโ€ฆ.ludicrous. i love it

โ€œyou guys have a thread on 8chan?โ€

โ€œheโ€™s american damekโ€


ok iwtv is legitimately hilarious. i did not expect it to be so, like, classically funny? if that makes sense? like the scene where they bicker about the guy that louis killed for being a racist dick? and then the cut to the parallel coffins? beautifully goofy. chefs kiss. 100% into it

itโ€™s like the juxtaposition of this honestly absurd subject matter (killing a man for being racist and drinking his blood because youโ€™re a vampire) with ridiculous surroundings (two coffins right next to each other like any domestic leave it to beaver household) with a recognizable cadence (a couple having a little spat)โ€ฆ.and then the coffin peeeeaks open a little bitโ€ฆ.ludicrous. i love it

โ€œyou guys have a thread on 8chan?โ€


ok iwtv is legitimately hilarious. i did not expect it to be so, like, classically funny? if that makes sense? like the scene where they bicker about the guy that louis killed for being a racist dick? and then the cut to the parallel coffins? beautifully goofy. chefs kiss. 100% into it

itโ€™s like the juxtaposition of this honestly absurd subject matter (killing a man for being racist and drinking his blood because youโ€™re a vampire) with ridiculous surroundings (two coffins right next to each other like any domestic leave it to beaver household) with a recognizable cadence (a couple having a little spat)โ€ฆ.and then the coffin peeeeaks open a little bitโ€ฆ.ludicrous. i love it


ok iwtv is legitimately hilarious. i did not expect it to be so, like, classically funny? if that makes sense? like the scene where they bicker about the guy that louis killed for being a racist dick? and then the cut to the parallel coffins? beautifully goofy. chefs kiss. 100% into it


For real though:

Serve Coffee

Turn the lights up higher

Turn off the music

Start cleaning up or washing dishes

Put away drinks and food. Offer people portions of the leftovers.

Return things to their normal, non guest accommodating state (take the leaf out of the table, put away extra seating)

Thank people for coming

Discuss (in the past tense) how lovely the visit/party/gathering was

Ask people about their arrangements to get home safely

Ask people about their plans for the rest of the day/evening

Inform them of your plans for the rest of the day/evening

If your guests still won't take the hint, you're just gonna have to pretend your appendix burst or something.


so I just started saying,

"it's been lovely, but I need to kick you out now. let's do this again soon!"

then i help them gather their things, make sure they have a way home, and hug them goodbye

alternatively, you can also try (and adjust to your needs/speech patterns):

  • "wow, look at the time!" <- a subtle way of pointing out it's getting late
  • "don't you have a long way back [home]?" <- works best if they do have a long commute, but puts the concern on your guest and their schedule
  • "i've got an early day tomorrow." <- you can also list the commitments (eg: work or appointments) that you cannot be late for or skip out on
  • "i need to do something after this so i need to go." / "someone's expecting me after this so i need to go." <- again gives the sense you can't be late or skip things, plus adds a sense of urgency for guests to hurry up so you can leave too
  • "i had a long day and gotta get some rest." / "i'm tired so i gotta go to bed." <- the last one assumes it's around bedtime, but both are straightforward and people are typically sympathetic to needing rest/sleep

any of these can also be accompanied by: "it'll take me time to tidy up first," which adds another sense of urgency. and if they're nice (and/or it's culturally acceptable) most folks start to help with the clean up too

i've used these myself and they usually work. if guests aren't receptive to the subtlety (or honesty bc many of these excuses can also just be true), then it's just better to say, "i'm sorry, but this is all the time i have for you today."

and personally, if my guests aren't receptive to any of these, i start to reconsider if i want to invite them over again ยฏ\_(ใƒ„)_/ยฏ

โ€œwow, look at the time!โ€

<- a subtle way of pointing

out itโ€™s getting late

Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.

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