
Mara Lynn Johnstone

@marlynnofmany / marlynnofmany.tumblr.com

Welcome to the inside of my head! It’s fun in here. I write, draw, and generally create. Expect to find everything from shapeshifters to robots, eccentric wizards to space dragons, with a healthy dose of Humans Are Weird. Let’s have fun with this.

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Once again randomly remembered this story about a couple who had a small parrot - pretty sure it was a budgie - who didn't talk but learned to communicate with people in its own way. Once it figured out that people always turn to check their phones when the notification sound comes on, it started making the text message notification sound to request human attention. The parrot also liked to follow people to the door whenever guests were leaving, and would use its wings to pantomime the motions of a person putting their coat on. A very clever, charming bird.

And every once in a while it just randomly hated some people. Not for any real reason, or even reason to suspect bad vibes, but by deciding "fuck this person in particular" for shits and giggles alone. And one time when the owners had invited a new friend to their home, the bird decided that it Did Not Like Her.

So in the middle of polite conversation, the bird - who was free to roam around the apartment at the time - hopped onto the living room coffee table, right in front of the unwanted guest. And in that moment, the owners put two and two together and understood that whatever mischief the bird had decided to do, it was now too late to stop it.

But instead of unleashing the absolute hell that even the tiniest displeased parrot could be capable of, the little budgie made its little "may I have your attention please" cell phone notification sound, and once the guest was focused on the bird, looked at her dead in the eye while doing the putting-my-coat-on wing motion.

The guest did not recognise the pantomime for what it was, but she was nonetheless delighted that the parrot would do a little wing-roll dance for her. And the host couple were at first too stunned and then too polite to tell her how impressive that gesture truly was. Their bird had shown both remarkable restraint and cleverness by using its entire vocabulary of human communication just to say

"I have an important announcement: I think you should leave."


I found a piece of onion skin that looks like a mermaid tail, and that feels like half a story idea about a fairytale where someone tries to call up fantasy creatures in the river. What would a tiny onion mermaid look like?


Didn't want to lose those tags!! This is an awesome prompt for a story!

@crystalshard also has good tag ideas:

Little onion mermaids shedding tailskins, trailing onion scent in the water; that sounds fascinating.


Onions are healthy for fish! Onion mermaid, to me, is a very important part of the ecosystem. The scales they shed are eaten by other fishes, as it helps them grow faster than other foods do.

Maybe it works similarly to garlic for them as well- helping fight against parasites, promoting growth, decreasing mortality rates.

Maybe the little onion mermaids shed very regularly, and are protected similarly to those spiders that keep small frogs around- perhaps certain predator types protect them from danger, let them feed on scraps and extras they have- because it helps the growth of their main food supply: the fish in the area that feed on the shedding.

Are they? The search results I'm getting make it sound like food onions may be different from "water onions," but I've never looked it up before. And in fantasyland, anything goes!

I wonder if the onion mermaids would have scales in wild warning colors, so the predators don't bite into something they'll regret.


Arboreal Species

We had plenty of options for ways to keep occupied while waiting for the client to show up and collect his delivery. Several of the crew were playing card games with the captain, using a delivery crate as a table, and she was beating the pants off all of them. (Though none of these particular aliens wore pants. You know what I mean.) Some of the others waited inside the ship, declaring boredom with this particular patch of exotic wilderness.

The rest chatted with crew from the ship that had arrived after us, which was also delivering cargo for the same late-to-arrive local. They had plenty to complain about. They also had food to share, and a decent chance that it would be edible by those they shared it with.

While Alien Food Roulette was always exciting, I’d found a much better option.

“Hey, they tell me your species climbs things,” the stranger from the other ship had said, long snout curling into a smile. She looked like a mix of 3/4 baboon and 1/4 crocodile.

“They’re right!” I replied easily. There weren’t many climbing opportunities on our little courier ship, and I was curious where this was going.

The alien pointed at a huge tree on the edge of the landing pad, which boasted smooth orange bark with branches every couple feet. “I’m gonna go climb that. Care to join me?”

“Would I ever!” I said, already heading toward it. I called back over my shoulder, “If you guys need me, I’ll be up a tree!”

Guess what just got narrated!


Love how tumblr has its own folk stories. Yeah the God of Arepo we’ve all heard the story and we all still cry about it. Yeah that one about the woman locked up for centuries finally getting free. That one about the witch who would marry anyone who could get her house key from her cat and it’s revealed she IS the cat after the narrator befriends the cat.


Might I add:

The defeat of the wizard who made people choose how they’d be to be executed

The woman who raised the changeling alongside her biological child

The human who died of radiation poisoning after repairing the spaceship

The adventures of a space roomba

Cinderella finding Araura (and falling in love)

I don’t know a snappy description but the my nemesis cynthia story certainly lives in my head

I am in love with you /p


Love how tumblr has its own folk stories. Yeah the God of Arepo we’ve all heard the story and we all still cry about it. Yeah that one about the woman locked up for centuries finally getting free. That one about the witch who would marry anyone who could get her house key from her cat and it’s revealed she IS the cat after the narrator befriends the cat.


Might I add:

The defeat of the wizard who made people choose how they’d be to be executed

The woman who raised the changeling alongside her biological child

The human who died of radiation poisoning after repairing the spaceship

The adventures of a space roomba

Cinderella finding Araura (and falling in love)

I don’t know a snappy description but the my nemesis cynthia story certainly lives in my head

I am in love with you /p

What about the one with the princess locked in a tower learning to become a wizard? That’s lived in my mind for years and I haven’t seen it in a long time


Wow! @writing-prompt-s contributing to like half of these!

I can hardly take any credit for these stories! But I love sharing them. Unfortunately I cannot read all the prompt responses so please tag me if you want me to reblog a story that resonated with you so I can give it a little boost :)


i wish i could look at this… and feel Normal™️

Like when my... No.. i shant say


What's wrong with pineapples?

As someone said on a similar post, this is like talking about who's been at the devil's sacrament and the devil himself shows up.


Senshi and Uncle Iroh would be such good friends guys can you imagine

I have decided that if the Gaang met the Dungeon Foodies (Doodies) then the following would likely occur:

  1. Iroh, and Zuko would mesh beautifully with the group, RIGHT up until someone mentioned eating dragons, at which point Iroh and Zuko's storyline would abruptly become a psychological horror
  2. Marcille and Katara would either become Bee Eff Effsies or Claw Each Other's Eyes Out and I cannot decide which
  3. Toph and Izutsumi would immediately become Worse together
  4. Sokka and Laios would immediately become Worse together
  5. Aang would regard Senshi with the respect befitting of an Air Nomad Elder RIGHT until he has to watch the guy butcher and field dress an animal. They would then go on a life changing road trip thematic of consuming ethical meat. Aang would remain a vegetarian but would learn a lot about alternative sources of iron and protein, after which he would finally hit a growth spurt to rival Sokka.
  6. Laios would drink poison cactus water.
  7. Sokka would drink poison cactus water again.
  8. Catty Bitch Besties Azula + Kazu Agenda feat. Azula Redemption Arc: Homocidal Rage Trauma Demon to Healthy Low Empathy Teen Queen Transformation. Kazu remains the same but learns to say bitchy shit straight to people's faces instead of repressing it
  9. (Always Sunny title card) Laios Eats A Turtleduck
  10. (Always Sunny title card) Toph Masters Black Magic. feat. Legally Blonde voice: "What, like it's hard?"
  11. Senshi is an earthbender. This part is never fully explained.
  12. Chilchuck and Toph start an illegal gambling den that Sokka righteously moves to shut down for about .5 seconds until he learns that he is a FANTASTIC at counting cards.
  13. Laois Blue Spirit Fanboy Agenda
  14. Literally anyone accuses Laois or Zuko of misinterpreting a social cue / weird dumb metaphor / nonsensical story / tradition and the other immediately backs him up like "what are you talking about he's right" and "this is the only guy here who makes any sense, the rest of you are freaks".
  15. (Always Sunny Title Card) Aang Adopts A Dirt Homunculus
  16. Iroh gives Chilchuck The Talk

Oh wait I'm not done

17. Reverse "Half-Foots Look like Children to Tallmen" issue where Chilchuck learns Toph is the Blind Bandit and a master earthbender who invented metal bending and was once a champion fighter and just assumes Toph is a full-grown half-foot. Only learns otherwise after they have pulled off several drunken crime sprees

18. Toph, on the other hand, is fully aware that Chilchuck is a grown ass man and just figures he's cool

19. Katara and Marcille bond over Forbidden Evil Magic; Katara learns to use blood bending for not-horrific things (medicine, first aid, prepping wild-caught meat, etc) and Marcille learns to heal more efficiently

20. Laios can see and communicate with literally all the previous avatars but just kinda pretends he can't since nobody else has brought them up yet and he doesn't want it to be a whole Thing

21. Group runs into a platypus and each gang thinks it's an animal from the other's universe. Everyone proceeds to act as though they know exactly what it is in hopes of not appearing ignorant. Neither of them actually knows anything. Through a series of misunderstandings, it is given a nonsensical name and is believed to be an immortal, telepathic incarnation of a heavenly spirit. Laios is the only one to question this and is immediately stung by its venomous feet, which only cements the legend

22. (Always Sunny title card) King Buumi Defeats The Mad Mage


Well this is just annoyingly accurate...

And yet how many people consider that little pixel dinosaur to be a beloved part of their internet experience? The world would be poorer without it!

Like yeah I get the frustration of seeing something epic in your head and not being able to make it come out the same on paper. But the greatest gift you can give yourself as an artist is to “yes, and” your art.

The line you just wrote doesn’t sound as dramatic as it did in your head, in fact it makes your character sound sarcastic…. Well, what if the character WAS being sarcastic in that moment? Could that potentially bring something unexpected but fun into the story? Some new angle of character development you hadn’t considered? Maybe, maybe not. But once you start training yourself to give a fair chance to the possibility of being inspired by the ways the work is coming out differently than in your brain, rather than seeing that as a failure, then you open up a whole new world for yourself.

And no idea is ever lost. The epic realistic dinosaur in your brain that came out as pixel art, and then you rolled with it and made a whole bunch of related pixel art… well, the idea of the realistic dino didn’t come to fruition, but it’s not dead and gone. Either you will come back to it later once your art has evolved, or the idea will get mulched and mixed back into the creative currents of your brain, only to resurface in thousands of different ways in many other projects in the future. That’s great too!


It's up on Royal Road! Wish me luck!

(Behold, I have photoshopped the cover art onto a hardback book for eyecatchability, though it is only digital for now. Who knows what the future may hold?) (Fantasyland nonsense, that's what it will hold.)

Accidentally Human is the story of five fantasy creatures who get turned human against their will, then go Off To Beat The Wizard and get changed back.

It's already here on Tumblr, and now I'm branching out to see what readers think of it on Royal Road too.

So if you read things on RR, give it a look! Apparently rating scores are a big deal there.


I found a piece of onion skin that looks like a mermaid tail, and that feels like half a story idea about a fairytale where someone tries to call up fantasy creatures in the river. What would a tiny onion mermaid look like?


Didn't want to lose those tags!! This is an awesome prompt for a story!

@crystalshard also has good tag ideas:

Little onion mermaids shedding tailskins, trailing onion scent in the water; that sounds fascinating.


Rainy Day Eggs

The last delivery our ship made was to a dry planet with too much wind. I’d say it was nice to be somewhere with moisture in the air again, but this was a lot of rain. And while I can appreciate the scent of petrichor and the sound of raindrops on the roof as much as the next Earthling, our current setup was a smidge inconvenient.

Paint asked, “Are you sure we don’t want to use the cargo bay instead?” She peeked past my elbow through the personnel door. “I feel like a wet floor there is less of a slipping hazard.”

“Maybe, but the awning doesn’t fit,” I told her, pointing up at the portable thing that came with this spaceport’s landing pad. It was made for single-person entrances, a hovering pink rectangle tethered to the ground with some kind of localized tractor beam. It stuck to the ship nicely, and hadn’t let so much as a drop sneak past to drip down my shirt, but it wouldn’t have fit over the cargo bay entrance.

“I thought we were going to use one of the bigger landing pads,” Paint said, surprise on her lizardy face as she looked out at the spaceport. “I know our ship is on the small side, but this spot looks tiny!”

“It is,” I said. “That douchnozzle over there sniped our spot.” I pointed at the sporty red single-person cruiser that was currently hogging a courier space. I’d heard Wio swear from the cockpit when she had to adjust our approach because the jerk zipped in front of us. I’d seen the nice big awning crumple down to fit his jerkmobile. After we’d landed in a spot almost too small for us, I’d seen him stroll away with fancy clothes and a force field umbrella, and he hadn’t come back yet.

He was a human, too. Not that I was bitter about any of that.

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