
Lost My Little Girl To The Foxes

@charlataninred / charlataninred.tumblr.com

I don’t care if she’s the devil, I don’t want to be saved | header by @jewishdainix | https://href.li/?https://en.pronouns.page/@Aegis.Lyf

Forgetmenauts Intro Post

Heya y’all! Since there have been a few posts/asks about the Forgetmenauts, I figured I’d make a introductory masterpost! If you think anything should be added, just lmk (ask, dm, in the replies, whatever ur comfortable with). All helpful links are attached to the end of the post <3

Created: 12/1/22

Last Edited: 11/30/23


Is there a right way to start listening? Nope! You can jump in anywhere and anyway you want. If you really want advice on where to start, the general consensus seems to be a) listen to Gay Werewolf Murder Ballad or The Marriage of Bigfoot and Mothman first to get the vibes, then listen to the songs in album order, or b) go straight to listening to the songs in order. The main reason this is recommended is because some songs are explicitly connected to each other, so listening to them out of order first may be a bit confusing. Still, if that isn’t your speed, let me reiterate that there is no wrong way to listen.

Why are we called the Coven? Back in September 2022, the fmns found our little fandom here on Tumblr. In the notes of this post, mountaingnomes (one of the fmns) called us a “tiny coven” and the name stuck! I’ll link some other posts from that very eventful day bc it was quite a fun time.

Miscellaneous Info

They have a YouTube channel (linked below)! There are a LOT of gems there, including live recordings of songs, some recorded shows (Musical D&D is a fun one), and two music videos: one for Dancing Plague, one for Summer King. Highly recommend checking it out.

Also on YouTube but on a different channel is a radio show done on KXSF! This is where the songs Cottonwood and Rusulka & the Shepherd Girl where first introduced (to the Coven, at least). There’s also a lil Coven shoutout there :3

They have a segment in volume 3 of the queer horror zine The Quiet Ones. It starts on page 47, but I highly recommend reading the short stories and poems before and after! There’s also a mini interview with each member that includes their pronouns <3

The fmns have an insta where they post announcements/updates. If you have insta, go follow and support them!

Helpful Links

KXSF Show (Cottonwood at 0:00, Rusalka at 27:00, our shoutout at 37:50)

Approximate Coven/FMNs Timeline (done by the lovely Rio)

Fan creations!

I’m not above plugging my mutuals’ or my own work, so here’s some fanworks for your enjoyment

The Day the FMNs Found us

Batman: Gotham is quiet tonight
Batman, suspicious: too quiet
Meanwhile five blocks away:
Teen Dick: Swiper no swiping!
Criminal, crying: I'll turn myself in just please stop talking

US states where a popular adult website will be blocked as of July 1, 2024

Fucking horrifying how many people in the notes think this is a good thing. Like yeah, I’m sure that this time conservatives are actually concerned about the children. Absolutely no other reason at play here. Its never a red flag when the government wants your id to police your sexual habits. That’s never been dangerous to the queer comminity, or anyone else. Yall are disturbingly easy to brainwash into going along with fascist bullshit.


To put it short:

Source: reddit.com

Diet companies won’t tell you this but starving yourself is a lot worse for your health than overeating

Your body has a whoooole process for storing excess fats for later and cleaning out excess nutrients. Your body straight up can not run at all if you give it too little to run on. Don’t make your body pick and choose between essential processes, eat when you’re hungry.


nothing canon era fic writers could come up with will ever be as cruel as modern au fic writers putting these guys in the most basic modern scenarios. like he was born to live & die by the blade, his story was over before it began. and you made him take the bus and work a 9 to 5 job


Hey. Why isn’t the moon landing a national holiday in the US. Isn’t that fucked up? Does anyone else think that’s absurd?

It was a huge milestone of scientific and technological advancement. (Plus, at the time, politically significant). Humanity went to space! We set foot on a celestial body that was not earth for the first time in human history! That’s a big deal! I’ve never thought about it before but now that I have, it’s ridiculous to me that that’s not part of our everyday lives and the public consciousness anymore. Why don’t we have a public holiday and a family barbecue about it. Why have I never seen the original broadcast of the moon landing? It should be all over the news every year!

It’s July 20th. That’s the day of the moon landing. Next year is going to be the 54th anniversary. I’m ordering astronaut shaped cookie cutters on Etsy and I’m going to have a goddamn potluck. You’re all invited.

Hey. Hey. Tumblr. Ides of March ppl. We can do this


happy juneteenth but dont forget that prisoners are legally allowed to be subject to slave labor and also black people are disproportionately arrested and subjected to that legality. happy juneteenth but slavery still lives in america. america is still dependant on slave labor.

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