Jun 8th 2024

A triumph for Indian democracy


Getting growing

How the Labour Party could end Britain’s stagnation

Even if the economy peps up, taxes will have to rise

The Modi Raj

A triumph for Indian democracy

The shock election result will change the country—ultimately for the better

Don’t do it

America’s billionaires should resist the urge to support Donald Trump

A Trump victory would reward them. But not enough to justify the risks

Single-party politics

Morena’s landslide win threatens to take Mexico down a dangerous path

The country’s newly elected president will need to show political courage

From chatbots to robots

Three reasons why it’s good news that robots are getting smarter

They are becoming more capable, easier to program and better at explaining themselves

The humiliation of the ANC

South Africa stands on the brink of salvation—or catastrophe

To prevent a coalition of chaos, Cyril Ramaphosa and the Democratic Alliance must do a deal


On Somalia, democracy in America, Shirley Conran, large language models, Beethoven’s ninth, TV comedy

Letters to the editor

By Invitation


Electoral rebuke

Narendra Modi could respond to disappointment in two different ways

He could become more moderate and focus on the economy, or double down on Hindu nationalism

Anatomy of a dressing-down

The people and places that turned away from the BJP

The heartland, and especially lower-caste voters, have soured on Narendra Modi

United States

The Americas



Middle East & Africa



Give me votes but not too many

What is the point of the Lib Dems?


Finance & economics

Science & technology


Less Bond, more boffin

How to hire a spy

Forgoing the single life

Pop stars are all about albums

The Economist reads

Economic & financial indicators

The Economist explains
