
European elections

Beyond France, the European elections will deliver more of the same

Outside France and Germany, the centre has largely held

Peace for Ukraine?

A peace conference over Ukraine is unlikely to silence the guns

Serious negotiations are unlikely to begin before the year’s end at the earliest

Too thin to survive?

The tiny statelet of Transnistria is squeezed on all sides

But so far Russia has been unable to gobble it up


No wonder Macron’s gambling: Europe is home to the high-roller

You gotta bet big to win big in Europe

Build back better

Politics overshadows a conference to raise money for Ukraine

Not to mention the continued fighting

Macron’s mega-gamble

Why France’s president called a snap election

The centre wants to weaken Marine Le Pen’s hard right, in or out of power

The European Parliament elections

As the French hard right triumphs in EU elections, Macron calls snap vote

Outside France and Germany, the centre holds

Operation Memory

A D-Day commemoration that was not just about beating Hitler

Biden, Macron and Zelensky vowed to defend Ukraine and democracy


Peak Europe turns 25: why June 1999 marked the continent’s zenith

Europe had a glorious future, once. What happened?

D-Day 80 years on

Remembering the Normandy landings

Thanksgiving in France for the bravery of America and other allies

Normalising the radicals

The Dutch are getting a half-populist, half-pragmatist government

A technocrat will be prime minister but the far-right Geert Wilders has the most MPs

Bulking up the Bundeswehr

Germany is thinking about bringing back conscription

But the chancellor is reluctant