
The LLM summer sale

A price war breaks out among China’s AI-model builders

It may stymie innovation

Wrongs of the right

The rise of the far right alarms German business leaders

At least, most of them


How Gen Zs rebel against Asia’s rigid corporate culture

Young workers are striking, slouching off and setting sail

Mumbai mood swings

What Indian business expects from Modi 3.0

After a brief panic, investors and bosses welcome the new government

The call of duties

The EU hits China’s carmakers with hefty new tariffs

Duties will only hold them back for a while


Hey Siri! Help me get Apple out of an AI-shaped hole

Tim Cook’s prayer to the almighty

Retention is all you need

The war for AI talent is heating up

Big tech firms scramble to fill gaps as brain drain sets in


Lessons in capitalism from Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s

How to build businesses that last


Is it better to be an early bird or a night owl?

The promise and perils of waking before sunrise

Castles made of silicon

Should the world fear China’s chipmaking binge?

Concerns that cheap Chinese semiconductors will flood the market may be premature

The taste of things to come

Chinese fast-food insurgents are beating McDonald’s and KFC

The healthy appetite comes from smaller cities