Middle East & Africa

The Middle East

Is a Palestinian state a fantasy?

Turning chaos into a country

The light continent

Private firms are driving a revolution in solar power in Africa

Unreliable grids and falling costs are persuading companies to go off-grid

War in the Middle East

Israel’s northern border is ablaze

Can it fight Hamas and Hizbullah simultaneously?

The rainbow nation’s election

A remarkable new era begins in South Africa

A national unity government can save democracy and the economy

Deal or no deal

The president of Somaliland is bargaining for recognition

But a war at home has not helped his case

Out of Africa

The deadly journey to the Gulf

Migrants from Ethiopia to Saudi Arabia risk drowning, extortion and violence

High kicks

Kung fu gives Africans their kicks

A rare soft-power export from China is spreading across the continent

A bridge too far?

Hamas and Israel are still far apart over a ceasefire deal

For all America’s optimism, the two sides look fundamentally irreconcilable

Slender hope

Who are the main contenders to be Iran’s next president?

After the death of the puritanical president, Iran’s reformists hope to win a slice of power

Alone with the hardliners

Benny Gantz and Gadi Eisenkot leave Israel’s war cabinet

Will this force Binyamin Netanyahu at last to decide to push for a ceasefire?

The lure of the Great Satan

The children of Iran’s revolution still want to go West

Some go to undermine the Islamic Republic; others to boost it

An Israeli ceasefire proposal

Joe Biden leaked Israel’s first plan to end the war in Gaza

But hardliners in Israel and Hamas may yet scupper it