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The Economist explains

Subjects topical and timeless, profound and peculiar, explained with The Economist's trademark clarity and brevity

The Economist explains

What are MRP polls and can they predict election results accurately?

How a novel technique to predict Britain’s general election works

The Economist explains

Ukraine has a navy that needs no sailors

It does a surprisingly good job of destroying Russian vessels

The Economist explains

How powerful is the European Parliament?

Upcoming elections show its growing clout

The Economist explains

How lab-grown meat became part of America’s culture wars

Conservatives have beef with petri-dish steaks

The Economist explains

Who is Karim Khan, chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court?

He has applied for an arrest warrant for Binyamin Netanyahu, Israel’s prime minister

The Economist explains

What does it mean to recognise Palestinian statehood?

Ireland, Norway and Spain will be the latest to do so

The Economist explains

Why Julian Assange’s extradition case is taking so long

The WikiLeaks co-founder is granted a new appeal against being sent to America

The Economist explains

What are the Russian “turtle tanks” seen in Ukraine?

Wrapping vehicles in corrugated metal might protect them from drone attacks

The Economist explains

The tawdry history of “catch-and-kill” journalism

Testimony from Donald Trump’s trial highlights a practice that is normally hidden

The Economist explains

Why India’s election is the most expensive in the world

It is not just because of its size

The Economist explains

Could the International Criminal Court indict Binyamin Netanyahu?

Rumours abound that an arrest warrant is imminent for Israel’s prime minister

The Economist explains

The vocabulary of disinformation

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