
Security and politics

Nigel Farage’s claim that NATO provoked Russia is naive and dangerous

It is also a wilful misreading of history

French peril

Emmanuel Macron’s project of reform is at risk

A snap election in France reveals the flimsiness of his legacy

The future of combat

AI will transform the character of warfare

Technology will make war faster and more opaque. It could also prove destabilising

The solar age

The exponential growth of solar power will change the world

An energy-rich future is within reach

Power and politics in India

India should liberate its cities and create more states

It doesn’t need more government. It needs more governments

Raising Argentina

Javier Milei’s next move could make his presidency—or break it

Radical experiments with the currency could spell disaster

An unrealisable idea

How to tax billionaires—and how not to

Closing loopholes would be a better bet than a levy on unrealised capital gains

The Economist’s US election model

A second Trump term: from unthinkable to probable

Introducing our 2024 American election forecast model

Setting sales

If a bestseller list shuns authors it dislikes, it should say so

Bestseller lists are supposed to reflect sales, not political ideology

Brain gain

How worrying is the rapid rise of Chinese science?

If America wants to maintain its lead, it should focus less on keeping China down

Economic exceptionalism

America seems immune to the world economy’s problems

Elsewhere, political dysfunction and fiscal frailties are taking a toll