

Mental Health Care

Transforming Neurohealth Journeys with AI and Compassion.

About us

iZola is a therapeutic platform that gives you and your loved ones access to experts who offer personalized therapies that can be accessed remotely. We're revolutionizing caregiving for families with autism and special needs, fostering a supportive environment and offering essential resources. Through therapy and community support, we're not just caregivers; we're life-changers.

Mental Health Care
Company size
11-50 employees
Privately Held
Therapy, Therapeutics, Mental Health Services, Healthcare, Artificial Intelligence, and Empathy


Employees at iZola.life


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    At iZola, we understand the unique challenges faced by parents with neurodivergent children, especially those with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Limited access to quality therapy can greatly impact a child's development and overall family well-being. That's where iZola steps in!  Our focus is on accessibility: We believe every child deserves access to the support they need and so are their caregivers. That's exactly why we offer: Reduced Cost: We strive to make therapy more accessible by offering competitive rates, potentially easing the financial burden for families.  Convenience: We provide flexible therapy options, including:  Home-based therapy: Receive therapy in the comfort and familiarity of your own home, reducing stress for children who may struggle in new environments.  Online therapy: Connect with a therapist virtually, offering greater flexibility and reduced travel time.  Hybrid therapy: Combine in-person and online sessions to create a personalized approach that best suits your family's needs.  Supporting the Caregivers: We recognize that mental health is a family affair. That's why we also offer mental health therapy and support groups for parents and caregivers who in most cases happen to be mothers, helping them navigate the challenges and celebrate the victories of raising a kid who is within the spectrum. By providing accessible, high-quality mental health therapy services, iZola empowers caregivers and kids with special needs to thrive.  For more information, contact us at 📞 0708991255. Let's journey towards wellness together!  #iZolaLife #MentalHealthSupport #Neurodiversity #AutismAwareness #izola#iZola&Autism  #izolatherapy  #Autismawareness  #Autismtherapy #Autisminkenya #Neurodivergent #Onlinetherapy #Homebasedtherapy #Autismappreciation #Inclusionmatters #Mentalhealth  #Mentalhealthawareness #Therapy #Therapistinnairobi 

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    For parents of neurodivergent children, mental health wellness is like putting on your own oxygen mask first on an airplane, it allows you to better care for yourself and your child. Being a mental health awareness month let’s look at few benefits of taking care on your mental health as a parent: It helps increase your patience and calmness- Parenting a neurodivergent child can be demanding. Prioritizing mental well-being through activities like mindfulness or relaxation techniques can equip you to approach situations with more patience and emotional regulation.  You get to reduce the risk of burnout- The constant demands of caring for a child with different needs can be exhausting. Focusing on self-care like exercise, hobbies, or social connections helps prevent burnout and allows you to maintain your own emotional well-being.  It improves your decision-making ability- Stress and anxiety can cloud judgment. By managing your mental health, you can approach challenges with a clearer mind and make sound decisions regarding your child's needs and therapies.  Allows you to model healthy habits- When you prioritize your mental health, you show your child the importance of self-care. This sets a positive example that they can adopt for themselves.  Above all, prioritizing your mental health allows you to become the best version of yourself for your child. It equips you with the emotional strength, patience, and clarity to navigate the challenges and celebrate the joys of raising a neurodivergent child.  If you need to talk to someone about your mental health just dial +254708991255 and you will be guided accordingly. #MentalHealth #Neurodivergent #Parenting #SelfCare #Wellness #izolalife #izola  #iZola&Autism #izolatherapy #mentalhealthawareness #caregivers #autismawareness #therapy #mentalhealththerapy

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    Taking care of yourself is just as important as caring for your loved ones. Caregiving can be challenging, and therefore, it's easy to forget about yourself when taking care of others—especially when we have loved ones with special needs. But remember, you deserve love and care too!  Take a moment today to prioritise your well-being. Whether it's a soothing cup of tea, a walk in nature, or simply a deep breath of fresh air, make time for yourself. You're doing an incredible job, and you deserve to feel supported and cherished. Did you know that our Xaidi mobile app is available in the App Store and Google Play Store? Xaidi can help you get intentional about self-care by allowing you to create your self-care activities and setting reminders. As you mark them completed, the app helps you keep track of your self-care activities and reminds you when it's time to focus on yourself. Did I forget to mention that you can also talk to Xaidi and receive tips on how to take care of yourself?   Join us on the journey of self-care—head to the App Store or Play Store and download Xaidi today! Let's begin this journey together.  #SelfCare #CaregiverSupport #YouDeserveIt #SelfCareApp #CaregiverSupport #iZola #Xaidiizolalife #neurodivergent #transforminglives #aiforlife #mentalhealth #therapy#Autism 

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    IACAPAP: Pioneering Global Mental Health Solutions Our CEO, Wamuyu Owotoki is presenting groundbreaking research on our innovative product Xaidi, a health companion for neurodiverse families, at IACAPAP in Rio de Janeiro this week!  We believe in empowering young minds worldwide and are confident that together we can create a brighter, healthier future! #izolalife #neurodivergent #transforminglives #aiforlife #mentalhealth #therapy   #IACAPAP

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    This week, the Inclusive Africa Conference 2024 took place in Nairobi, Kenya, and we were thrilled to have been part of this insightful event. Dr. Jane Wambui Muiruri, our Parent Expert and Advisor represented iZola.life in a dynamic panel discussion on "Navigating Employment: Challenges and Solutions for Neuro-Diverse Communities,". Also present was our new Chief Medical Advisor, Leah Kirumbi , who brought her expertise to the conference engagement.  The comprehensive panel discussion, moderated by Jessica Rafuse, Director of Strategic Partnerships & Policy at Microsoft, included insights from: Dr. Sylvia Mochabo Akinsiku, Executive Director at Andy Speaks, Kenya, briana gilmore, Head of Public Policy, Accessibility and Marginalized Communities at Uber, United States, Neema Lema, MD., Founder of Autism Voice for Children Ltd, Kenya. We extend our heartfelt thanks to our fellow panelists for their valuable contributions and to all the participants for their engagement. Not forgetting the insightful contributions of  Dr. Susan Wamithi, a Consultant Developmental Pediatrician at AGA KHAN UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL, EAST AFRICA, who presented on ADHD at the conference. A special shout-out to the conference organizers inABLE for providing the platform to keep this conversation going. Lastly, we appreciate and recognize the presence of our client Linda Gakuru and former therapist Africa Kanyi for their support. Your support means the world to us! #iZola #InclusiveAfricaConference #Google #MasterCardFoundation #UBER #Microsoft  Tags: Wamuyu Owotoki

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    Being a mother and caregiver is a journey filled with love, joy, and unforgettable moments. But let's also acknowledge that it can come with its own set of mental health challenges. From the whirlwind of new motherhood, navigating the ups and downs of raising teenagers, to raising kids with special needs, every stage brings its own joys and stresses. As we celebrate Mother’s Day this May, let's also recognize that it's World Maternal Mental Health Awareness Month. This provides a vital opportunity to shine a light on the mental health needs of mothers at every stage of their journeys. Whether you're a new mom finding your footing, dealing with toddler tantrums, raising a neurodivergent kid, or preparing to say goodbye to adult children, it's essential to prioritize your mental well-being. Take a moment to check in with yourself and seek support if needed. You're not alone, and there are resources and strategies available to help you navigate the challenges of motherhood. To all the amazing moms out there, remember: your mental health matters. Take care of yourself so you can continue to be the incredible mother your family loves and relies on. Together, let's raise awareness and support for maternal mental health.     Follow us and let's form a supportive group of caregivers!   #MaternalMentalHealthAwareness #MothersDay2024 #izolalife #izola #iZola&Autism #izolatherapy #autismmom #AutismAwareness 

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    Today, we want to shine a light on the beautiful journey of neurodiverse motherhood. As a mom to an incredible special needs child, every moment is a testament to love and patience. From morning cuddles to bedtime stories, it's about finding beauty in the little moments. Today, and every day, we celebrate the strength, love, and resilience of neurodiverse motherhood.   It's a journey of constant learning and growth, and to make this journey easier, there exists the Xaidi app. A GPT app by iZola, it is your health helper, a solution provider to most of your questions around motherhood and the autism journey. With Xaidi, your answers about the motherhood journey are just a click away.  Let's celebrate the strength, love, and resilience of mothers to autistic kids and their children this Mother's Day week.   To experience Xaidi head to App store or Play store and download. Let’s journey together!  #NeurodiverseMotherhood #MothersDay #XaidiAssistant#NeurodiverseMotherhood #MothersDay #Autism #Autismmum #autismawareness #AutismAwarenessinKenya #AutismAwarenessinNairobi #izolalife #izola #iZola&Autism #izolatherapy #Therapy 

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    Let's talk about the journey of autism, because at iZola, support, inclusion and encouragement are what we care about. Living with autism means navigating a unique path, and we're here to shine a light on the journey, every step of the way.  From intellectual disabilities to sensory sensitivities, each individual's experience is as unique as they are. Here are some common concurrent conditions associated with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) that you should be aware of: Intellectual Disability  Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)  Anxiety Disorders  Depression  Epilepsy  Gastrointestinal (GI) Issues  Sleep Disorders  Sensory Processing Differences  Motor Coordination Challenges But amidst these challenges, there's hope, there's community, and there's support. We are here to support you, every step of the way.  Together, we're breaking barriers, fostering understanding, and spreading love to all. Let's lift each other up and walk this journey hand-in-hand.  For tips on how to navigate through this journey, follow us! 🤝 #SupportAndEncouragement #AutismAwareness #CommunitySupport #YouAreNotAlone #AutismAwarenessinKenya #AutismAwarenessinNairobi #izolalife #izola #iZola&Autism #izolatherapy #Therapy References: American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing. 

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