subject: maybe even for the first time
there's things, people, feelings i want to experience differently than i have before
santa doesnt know you like i do.mp3
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Posts tagged destiel

You know what’s absolutely crazy to me, that one scene from season 8, where Cas leaving Dean was so traumatic that his brain repressed it and rewrote it to Dean being unable to grab him. That is crazy to me, because nowhere else in the show does Dean’s brain do this. Nothing else he experiences is so awful that his brain rewrites it. Not the 40 goddamn years in hell, not his brother dying, not his mom burning on the ceiling, not his dad or Bobby dying, not everyone he loves being possessed; no it was Cas choosing to leave him that pushed Dean too far. The show never gave Dean a love interest again, and then supernatural has the gaul, after all that homoeroticism, to this day claim Dean Winchester is straight.

11.18 - Hells Angel


i don't even remember where or when i saved this but i love it so much because it's like. i am not a shipper, i don't like romance in my shows. but you'd have to be fucking stupid to not realize that dean is in love with cas. literally all you need is to have eyes and have watched the show to know it's true.

aaaah! wake up! wake up! it's the 5th of the month!!!


4.01 Lazarus Rising (Misha's Version)


Day 13: Flirt

crowstiel is like. we both want dean. we can’t have dean. so we’ll settle for each other. and we kind of hate each other. because we’re actually so alike. and we’ve both been around for a long time. and neither of us is human. but that one human has made us love humanity. we are the closest thing to peers either of us will find, a demon with a soft heart and an angel with a crack in its chassis. we should live forever but we’ll both die for than one human 

i still believe that OBJECTIVELY the craziest most batshit thing jackles has ever said is "im sure it would go how we all think it would go" about a dean and cas reunion. brother WHO is we i am a destiel shipping tumblrina u r the man who supposedly does not believe dean reciprocates cas' feelings we r not the same (??????)

sorry sorry sorry SORRY SORRY but watching 15x09 The Trap right now and i am SO sorry but dean DID confess first to the best of his ability he got down on his old man knees in the forest and told cas he loves him and cas couldn’t reciprocate bc of the empty deal and 15x18 Despair is reciprocation bc cas knows and they both know and it’s so tragic and it was gay and it was real

let me also just say as an old man who has even older man knees getting down on them outdoors is no fucking joke