
Katsuki proved to the whole world that there's nothing that can stop him from being with Izuku; that he'd fight to his last breath and then defy death so he can stay at Izuku's side.

And yet he cried like a kid at the possibility of Izuku losing his quirk because he thinks Izuku won't want him at his side anymore if that happens. And that's something he can't do anything about.

Because Katsuki will accept Izuku's choice no matter how much it hurts him 'cause he still thinks he doesn't deserve Izuku.


one of my favourite things to think about regarding izuku is whether or not he's oblivious to his feelings for katsuki. and when i say feelings, i mean just that--feelings. not necessarily romantic.

as i dive deeper into his character, i'm coming to this conclusion:

he is not oblivious to the fact that he has complicated and undefined feelings for katsuki. those feelings and his reactions to said feelings are shameful, "gross" according to izuku.

but his behavior, inspired by katsuki, is instinctual now.

he's talking to toga like he doesn't understand how someone could do awful things in the name of love, yet he shames himself for just insulting villains. on a lesser scale, izuku knows that feeling of wanting to be like someone else but being shamed for it--even if he himself is the one doing the shaming.

that's why he's significantly less empathetic towards himiko. he can understand shigaraki and touya. he tried to understand muscular, but resolved to just defeat him.

he doesn't give himiko that same empathy. because he relates to her and it hurts him.


we all sleep on the funniest brosistp that could possibly be created in mha, which is

each of their interactions is hilarious cuz they have similar personalities and can constantly annoy the shit out of each other.

don’t tell me they’re not gonna be friends in epilogues.

at first they just accidentally see each other all the time at the hospital for their regular check-up, and they banter and bicker all the time. then they start texting each other and miruko is absolutely ruthless with jokes about katsuki’s obvious crush on his Best Friend and she becomes SO invested in bkdk’s development like😭😭

miruko, texting: Are you coming to the hospital today?

bakugo: Nah, me and Izuku are going to train together, so I’ll check in tomorrow.

miruko: Lol ur down so bad


miruko: Ok good luck on your date

bakugo: IT’S NOT A

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