
okay i haven't seen anyone else point this out

the "charles you dropped it???" scene in ep2 is obviously comedy gold and the chaotic using crystal to talk to niko dialogue is hilarious but i haven't seen anyone talk abt charles actually dropping the vase

or, less the fact he dropped it and more the fact he full on smashed it in a protective panic when one of the skeletons grabbed edwin's leg

like he was holding an enchanted artefact, which could possibly be the only way to solve the case and save niko, but all thoughts of the importance of that object disappeared from his mind the second edwin was in danger


talking about protective charles, i realized yesterday while rewatching ep 3 for my edwin gifset that when monty is explaining the astrology chart to edwin and the camera focuses on charles’ reaction

these words follow him as a voiceover

like yeah, monty is describing edwin’s star sign traits but they fit charles soooo well and exactly how he’s feeling at the moment and how he generally feels towards edwin

very protective


No but the consequences of ghosts not having reflections/not being visible on photographs!!

Consider Charles being horryfied that he might forget his own face as the time goes by and then Edwin confessing he actually has trouble remembering his face sometimes.

Also boys helping each other by describing the other's features, Edwin coming up with the most sophisticated poetic descriptions and Charles with simple, earnest statements like 'your eyes are really nice shade of green'


It's so insane that the interaction in episode one goes Charles bringing up how Death would separate them if she caught them and Edwin is the one to say he would never let them happen as if he doesn't passenger princess his way through every vaguely tense interaction or moment of conflict they get into


the way that charles seems to be walking on air, schoolgirl-level giddy in the scenes after edwin’s confession instead of awkward or distant. the way he seems soooooo satisfied after all these bouts of jealousy over other guys edwin’s been entangled with because out of all those options he’s the one edwin chose. the way he responds ‘it didn’t’ without needing to think about it for a single second when edwin expresses his fear that he’s made him uncomfortable by confessing. the way he’s flirting with him by the end of the finale, teasing about how charming his smile is to the guy who he knows very well has been charmed by him. charles rowland you are not subtle


Give me Edwin being a badass, give me Edwin protecting Charles, give me Edwin showing off his vast knowledge and skills or give me death!!

Some demon tries to manipulate and belittle him? Please, he's been there, done that, he calls the demon out and banishes it

Someone locks Charles in an iron cage? Edwin doesn't even hesitate before prying the door open with his hands blackening and smoking

The answer to a riddle is in ancient Aramaic? Guess who's got you covered - EDWIN


after the way he was treated roughly his entire life, charles is never anything but gentle with edwin. his father would hurt him and scream until his throat was sore and his mother would scoff and spit poison from her mouth, so he cradles edwin's terrified face between his hands when they're in the depths of hell. he nods along and smiles fondly as edwin goes on tangents about whatever has caught his attention. he steps in front of him without a moment's hesitation when danger closes in on them with nothing but his cricket bat to protect them. he fights any opponent and travels any road he has to to keep edwin safe and happy. never hitting, never scoffing, never allowing any of his anger to flow in edwin's direction.


I feel like codependency in media is almost always unhealthy, but a thing that makes Dead Boy Detectives stand out is how good both Edwin and Charles are to each other. Like, do they 100% lean on each other for support 24/7? Yes. Are they so devoted the lines blur not just between friendship and romance but also between where they each start and end? 1000%. Is there no room between them for anyone else to fit? Hundo p.

Charles and Edwin are not codependent; they are interdependent.

Both of them are unique individuals with individual identities. They build each other's identities up but haven't each lost themselves in their friendship. They can't imagine being without the other, but it's not because they won't know what to do with themselves; it's because they would spend eternity mourning the loss of the other, because they rely on each other so much for so long and love each other more deeply than most people could imagine.

They both treat each other so well. They love and accept each other fully. There's no discomfort between them; there's never a divide. They're a set, but they're a set of unique individuals. And I love that for them.

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