
Words are Hard


Asexual / She/Her / writer / reader / Hurricane Family / LU and LoZ obsessed (not to mention PJO.)

just go away Wars

very quick, sloppy thing I did for a sprint prompt on the LU discord server. Cleaned up the colors a little afterwards, but had no motivation left to work on it further :')


"real people don't talk like that" can be a valid criticism of a piece of media but it can also be one of the highest praises i can bestow. there's nuance.

characters who articulate themselves like online self-help tutorials written by an AI generated command prompt or someone who has never spoken to a real life person in crisis: real people don't talk like that (derogatory)

characters who talk like on some level they understand they're participating in a performance and the limitations of language itself are a burden on their ability to express themselves and be understood: real people don't talk like that (thrilled, delighted, jumping for joy)


Zelda Hitting people with giant heavy objects, The true power of the Triforce of Wisdom handed down through the generations.


by talos this can’t be happening is a mandela effect because the actual phrase is by the gods this can’t be happening and i’ve never heard anyone say the former in game

by talos this can’t be happening

the phrase by talos this can’t be happening is actually from a rupaul roleplay blog who left their husband in a cage with no food and water for a few weeks and the husband died sorry to be the spoil sport but it does have an origin and it is a very tumblr origin in nature


Here’s the post they’re referring to for context


Oh. Skyrim husband.


Oh Talos

I love seeing it when people find this out. I fucking love it.


Princess Zelda

Zelda's finally staring in her own game! Echoes of Wisdom!


(Yes, I still post; I arise every blue moon, usually due to Nintendo announcements)

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