pinned post Unknown Magus 14/09/21(Tue)19:27:45 with 445 notes No.662345681742282752 [Reply]


hello I’m toskarin. I’m a lesbian with genuinely worrying taste in media and sometimes I do art, music, writing, etc. >18

PATREON - support me and make me worse!
VESALBLOOD - read here
BANDCAMP - listen here
BSKY - bant here
PIXIV - look here

also making things at @ri47

lots of stuff untagged, read at own risk, etc.

ftr it’s unfeasible to monitor who all follows me, but I talk about eroge and stuff a lot so don’t be surprised (and consider unfollowing) if that stuff isn’t to your taste.

Unknown Magus 15/06/24(Sat)18:05:41 with 15 notes No.753390469592055808 [Reply]

song of the day

Unknown Magus 15/06/24(Sat)16:01:26 with 155,661 notes No.753382652580642816 [Reply]


when i was a child i thought ‘male enhancement’ pills just made you a better guy. they made you pleasant to be around. the man on the commercial had a big smile on his face and they made a point of how happy his wife was and everyone loved him. this is honestly what i thought

Unknown Magus 15/06/24(Sat)14:59:18 with 47 notes No.753378743997906944 [Reply]



usually a little nervous whenever anoinu releases his elona+ changelogs, but this update has a lot of really cool stuff for making religious characters less of just "mages but you use your imagination"


all my criticisms about the way he balances meta aside, I really do appreciate how anoinu’s design mentality is so roleplay-heavy. not as much my thing as the structured approach of OO, but I can definitely understand the logic behind giving players a bunch of fun ways to do things with the understanding they’ll use the ones with the flavour they enjoy most

Unknown Magus 15/06/24(Sat)14:54:15 with 47 notes No.753378425814876160 [Reply]


usually a little nervous whenever anoinu releases his elona+ changelogs, but this update has a lot of really cool stuff for making religious characters less of just “mages but you use your imagination”

Unknown Magus 15/06/24(Sat)14:32:58 with 233 notes No.753377086926995456 [Reply]


I'm going to confess something insane and you have to be nice to me about it


I didn't realise rpg maker could read metadata to know where to loop songs. I was doing that shit manually every time I made a game and it was honestly the part I dreaded most when I'd get around to making the music


[about to make three different unique versions of a song so that I can smoothly transition it into loops during combat] oh I hate this part

Unknown Magus 15/06/24(Sat)14:28:08 with 233 notes No.753376783311814656 [Reply]


I'm going to confess something insane and you have to be nice to me about it


I didn’t realise rpg maker could read metadata to know where to loop songs. I was doing that shit manually every time I made a game and it was honestly the part I dreaded most when I’d get around to making the music

Unknown Magus 15/06/24(Sat)14:26:58 with 233 notes No.753376710004719616 [Reply]

I’m going to confess something insane and you have to be nice to me about it

Unknown Magus 15/06/24(Sat)14:15:01 with 31 notes No.753375957936734208 [Reply]

what? no. I really don’t think the movie was about that. come on. look, watch, I’m going to take a big sip of water and then open yamazaki’s wikipedia page right now