
formerly the emo bracket


yeah I didn't enjoy the brackets that much

no offense but you guys need to learn the difference between someone implying their experience is universal and a post simply just not being about you

Anonymous asked:

Is telling a psychotic person who knows they are psychotic “hey you might be having an episode right now” a good idea or is it essentially like arguing with them about their delusions?

horrible idea‼️‼️ whenever people do this to me it's very frustrating because it genuinely feels like i'm being gaslit in the moment


ok some people have asked how you help someone in this situation so here you go:

• treat the delusion as real and don't argue with the person about it. delusions aren't like anxiety, if you approach a delusional person in a combative way you will come across as untrustworthy.

• gain insight on the delusion by asking questions about it that appear to be out of curiosity rather than trying to disprove it. for example, instead of asking "do you have any evidence of that?", ask "what evidence have you found so far?"

• once you have a better understanding of the situation, help calm the person down in their perception of reality. "it might be harder for X to watch you if we move Y".

this might seem counterproductive but psychosis is a disconnect from reality and you don't want to risk someone isolating themselves from you during an episode because you made them feel invalidated in some way. a million people could say "that's not real" and nothing would change. it would feel like: "I guess i'm the only one able to see the truth".


I would believe anything Defunctland says. He could make a video saying that Michael Eisner once rounded up a bunch of interns and hunted them for sport around Disneyland and I'd take it entirely as fact


Just out of curiosity



How dare you hide this masterpiece in the tags

Holy shit this is one of the funniest possible responses of my god

Try to read it WITHOUT Doofenschmirtz voice in mind, I'll double dare ya!

No, everyone frick off because my phone is in grayscale right now and it took me an extra second but I STILL KNEW IT WAS A PLATYPUS PALLET!


(I wrote that first part as soon as I realized it was Perry because I was that shocked at recognizing it. Now I read through the rest of the post before reblogging and that Doofenschmirtz part is perfect.)

I actually put this through 8 colorblind filters but don't feel like sorting and labeling them right now


Just out of curiosity



How dare you hide this masterpiece in the tags

Holy shit this is one of the funniest possible responses of my god

Try to read it WITHOUT Doofenschmirtz voice in mind, I'll double dare ya!

No, everyone frick off because my phone is in grayscale right now and it took me an extra second but I STILL KNEW IT WAS A PLATYPUS PALLET!


(I wrote that first part as soon as I realized it was Perry because I was that shocked at recognizing it. Now I read through the rest of the post before reblogging and that Doofenschmirtz part is perfect.)


I wonder if boba and kiki answers would be different if you didn't know what the words or letters looked like written down


Her house is made of clouds, those are everywhere. All pegasi are shown to be able to move clouds. Rainbow Dash lives in the equivalent of a minecraft dirt house

Okay, and

a.) Have you SEEN some of those Minecraft homes? Even the ones made of dirt?

b.) She has her own rainbow waterfall. That shit aint cheap, and the only place most ponies can get it from are harvesting the color directly from already planted rainbows.

Sorry I'm distracted by how funny that gif is

Corporations on July 1st


To be fair if I was arresting Justin Timberlake and he was like do you know who I am I would absolutely say no I’ve never heard of you


this is going to ruin the tour


This post is kinda like my other one but a bit better lmao. I might make variations of this with other pieces of media but it depends onnn how well this is received

It's not the last thing I watched but the first thing I thought of recently was the Twilight series so I'd say: they do rescue me, but then they try to convert me to Mormonism

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