
actually a bunny

@three-bunnies-in-a-trenchcoat / three-bunnies-in-a-trenchcoat.tumblr.com

midnight/duchess, please don't call me bun/bunny // she/her/it/its // resident bunny enthusiast // MidnightBunnyy on ao3 // links meet au blog @golden-chains-au // totally 100% normal about skyward sword // background color taken from fi's textboxes

Gallagher is absolutely incredibly silly in combat. Skill is "cracking open a cold one with the boys (healing edition)" and he's a one-handed Wolverine. His sped-up ultimate actually sounds angry and like he's in battle, but in the normal one he's relaxed and adds an absurdly ridiculous growl at the end


I've been saying this for years 😭


Eating disorders are underdiagnosed in men; I have believed this to be true for some time. When I was in Krav Maga the guys around me would casually talk about restricting to like 20% of the calories someone their size should be eating and genuinely wouldn’t realize it was fucked up.

Trans men have been trying to tell y'all but none of you give a shit about marginalized men.


I’ve had to tell my gym-bro coworkers that as a recovering anorexic I don’t want to listen to them fucking talk about their eating disorders. they laugh, but I’m absolutely not joking.


You ever see the talk that goes on with high school wrestling? It's insane. There's also muscle dysmorphia, which is a form of body dysmorphia/eating disorder that almost never occurs in women and is prevalent in gym bros.


tumblr users love reading. you literally stopped for this post just because it has words in it

this is one of my favorite bits about tumblr

the users seem to actually prefer text posts to anything else, and treat it as a chore to play a video especially with sound


Press all 4 buttons to support me and my kids

Stop, my beautiful little girl, she is now in Gaza, Rafah Al-Mawasi, the situation is dangerous, she lives a life without a childhood, without toys, but you and I hope for her to escape the war from hunger and death. With your cooperation and help, you save the life of my child and my family. Donate if you are able and participate to deliver the message of my children to everyone

In Gaza, childhood is killed. The child becomes a person much older than his age. Unfortunately, everything beautiful has been lost. What injustice are we talking about? What are the rights of these children? My child has grown for years. All her dreams have become. How do you get food and contribute to that?


I heard you say you love captains?? 🤨

Was drawing this yesterday and thought wow there must be so many fics about this and now I've fallen into a rabbit hole of pirate AUs

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