

@toskarin / toskarin.tumblr.com

⛧ type-moon fangirl ⛧ extremely respectable and incredibly serious ⛧ stained in blood and unsuited for heaven ⛧ praise lulwy ⛧ not french ⛧ AN AWESOME PRAYER IS CONFLICT WITH US

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hello I'm toskarin. I'm a lesbian with genuinely worrying taste in media and sometimes I do art, music, writing, etc. >18

PATREON - support me and make me worse! VESALBLOOD - read here BANDCAMP - listen here BSKY - bant here PIXIV - look here

also making things at @ri47

lots of stuff untagged, read at own risk, etc.

ftr it's unfeasible to monitor who all follows me, but I talk about eroge and stuff a lot so don't be surprised (and consider unfollowing) if that stuff isn't to your taste.


actually wait... I should just do the engagement post method of getting vgen verified. I have no idea why I didn't think of doing that before. I literally draw pictures.


how do i give you a vgen invite.


you know... I don't actually know the mechanisms on that. it says verified artists get two of them, so that's probably something to do with it? at any rate, I'm over there at ri47


"rin is this a transparent scheme to warm up for artfight?" yes!

but also I hate taking commissions through patreon, so if anyone can shout me a vgen invite I'll [suddenly remembering you aren't allowed to bribe people for those] start taking commissions on vgen instead. which is more convenient for both of us.


"rin is this a transparent scheme to warm up for artfight?" yes!


alright, running another art commission interest check because this one's a bit topical

if I ran monochrome sketch commissions for icons, with the caveats that...

  1. you get a discount if you commission your elden ring oc and send a reference screenshot
  2. it's skeb style, so you send me the reference material and description, I draw it, and you get it a bit cheaper than usual in exchange for it being a very straightforward process without revisions

would there be interest there? for disclosure's sake, I would be taking these through patreon and would set the price at about $17 USD each, discounted from $27

style would be inky and monochrome, but I wouldn't be against throwing in a highlight colour (glowing eyes, sash of fabric, etc.) for anyone who wants that sort of thing. if you don't know what my art looks like, I post it under #doodles


dunmeshi fans (see: animeonlies who picked it up once it got popular) talk about it as if it's entirely unique and nothing is like it at all and i don't get it.


I'm actually fascinated by it because it's proven pretty decisively that internet weeb culture HASN'T moved past being susceptible to y2k evangelion style hype. the wide availability of anime, manga, automatic translation tools, and western discussion around it did basically nothing

no real synthesis of that thought, though. just something interesting to me


love when ramen says to drain the water before adding the sauce sachet. an opportunity for tactical supremacy. make those noodles feel like you're taking a dog to the vet after saying you were going to the park. chicken stock and soy sauce.


salvaging through the wreckage of an abandoned facility trying to find water and I accidentally hit a switch awakening twenty bloodskull clones from their cryptosleep caskets


let's fucking go someone45356


Eri and Fio design sketches, for Metal Slug 2.

Gamest Mook Vol. 170 - Gamest Graphics Vol. 1 (Feb. 27, '99), pg. 92


hellsinker: hello! welcome to hellsinker. would you like to learn how to play?

me: sure!

hellsinker: alright, so first things first, this is a bullet hell shoot'em'up with three unique playable characters: DEADLIAR, FOSSIL MAIDEN, and MINOGAME, plus one unlockable character. hellsinker has a unique emphasis on strategy and problem solving with a special scoring system and different routes.

me: cool!

hellsinker: you have a weapon, which can charge, a subweapon, and a special move. there's also a slowdown button. you can combine and time these to do different special attacks. when youre holding down fire you'll also have a SUPPRESSION RADIUS around you where some enemy bullets slow down and you can even delete some! if you get close to an enemy, you can SEAL them, which stops them from firing.

me: got it!

hellsinker: on the left side of the screen, you're gonna see a bunch of HUD info. let's break it down. first, you can see how many lives you have left. you can also earn more lives. pretty self explanatory

me: right. so if i lose them all it's game over?

hellsinker: yeah. well no, you'll get a chance to continue. but it's not like a normal continue, you only get one and it changes the game significantly, and you can lock yourself out of a continue. anyway let's get back to the bars. next from the top is SOL. SOL determines the strength of your main shot but is also your DISCHARGE gauge, so you have to balance that. LUNA just below it determines how fast you fire.

me: alright

hellsinker: okay so next up is STELLA. the more STELLA you have, the more bullets enemies will fire. your score will also scale with STELLA. you can increase and decrease STELLA with item pickups, or by aggressive/defensive play respectively, that kind of stuff. you can acquire APPEASEMENT that will help you decrease your STELLA if you graze the requisite number thus spawning two OLD RELICS

me: hm

hellsinker: finally, TERRA starts at 240. you lose TERRA if you die, but also if you avoid LIFE CHIPS and stuff like that. oh, also, it goes down if you finish a level. if it hits zero, as the next segment, you'll be sent to the Shrine of Farewell

me: what

hellsinker: on the other side of the screen, we have at the top your autobomb status, which can be set to ASPIRANT, SOLIDSTATE, or ADEPT. as a reminder, your DISCHARGE and Subweapon will behave differently based on whether you're holding the fire button down, the state of your gauges, etc. after that, you have the Spirit score, one of the three separate scoring systems in hellsinker. it's represented by three bars which represent the base 10 decimal digit values of your Spirit score. you can get a BREAKTHROUGH at 5200 Spirit, unless youve triggered the other BREAKTHROUGH in Kills, in which case it takes 6200.

me: wait

hellsinker: there's also a Kill score, which can also trigger a BREAKTHROUGH at 2500 or 5000 kills. BREAKTHROUGH will reset the threshold of LIFE CHIPS necessary to earn an IMMORTALITY EXTEND (80+40n pts) and sets said bonus to 200. Below that is Token score, which is like the other two but has no BREAK, and is earned by collecting LUNA DROPLETS (which have inverted gravity mind you), which also slightly increases your LUNA, and DROPLETS increase in value arithmetically.

me: uh

hellsinker: okay, so remember TERRA? so the Shrine of Farewell is a bonus stage boss rush but you get infinite lives. STELLA is constantly rising. there are four bosses, and one extra. your Spirit score drops to zero though. oh, also, BOOTLEG GHOST doesnt work while you're here.

me: bootleg ghost????

hellsinker: because your Spirit score is reset (m=0) you're probably worried about your score, but don't worry, you get the chance to earn your Spirit back in the Shrine of Farewell by collecting Crystals. after this, TERRA is disabled for the rest of the run, so make sure to maximize your spirit-to-crystal ratio if you're chasing a Spirit based high-score route, but its also useful if you're going for survival. hard limit of segment 7

me: wait but

hellsinker: as i’m sure you inferred by now, along with executive fire, the primary engagement of HELLSINKER regardless of which GRAVEYARD EXECUTOR you’ve selected (and agnostic of MISTELTOE configuration) is one of: α) management of SOL (DISCHARGE when necessary), LUNA, and SUBWEAPON gauges by destruction, collection, and timing β) safely managing proximity between mutable projectiles while evading needletype and other immutables γ) proximity protocol beta applied to adversaries to reduce production of danger δ) judiciously balancing STELLA with RELICS and transubstantiation of mutables into STELLA, in order to synthesize needs for evasion and for Spirit/Kills ε) maximizing destruction (Kills), Spirit, and Token ζ) achieving IMMORTALITY EXTENDS through BREAKTHROUGH (5.2k(+1k)m || 2.5k(⋅2)d) and LIFE CHIP acquisition η) again, doing all this while evading and using the proper attack protocols contingent on your EXECUTOR and/or MISTELTOE θ) managing TERRA reducing actions in order to deploy the visit to the Shrine of Farewell strategically, such as to maximize Spirit (m) prior: 1 Crystal (i) = 0.5% m1, upper bound of n = 424i (disambiguation: non-summated) ergo maximal execution miΣ(n424) = 2.12 * pre-Shrine.


hellsinker: alright! that just about covers the basics. ready to start playing?

me: i'm still working on the left side of the screen

user vehemently's review of HellSinker on Backloggd
Anonymous asked:

every time that paiza image goes around it does immense psychic damage to me because the translation of the inscription more or less gets the point across but it's on the level of asking a friend who just started learning a language what something in it says off the top of their head. for a museum label for a mongolian artifact in 'phags-pa script. how did that happen

european museums, beyond really good ones, translating non-european scripts don't exactly have a track record of "doing a good job" or "respecting the average reader" so it's kind of just expected you get that sort of thing

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