
johnlocked turtle


a fanturtle (re)blogging fandom things. especially johnlock. i like writing about them mostly (*cough* only)
i love many other fandoms. i'll do you a favor and not list all of them. but: good omens.
a very gay she/they in her 20s.

there’s absolutely nothing better than reading a 100k word fanfic, that is until you remember you have a body that is starving, thirsty and incredibly sleep deprived and hasn’t used the bathroom since the sun set 8 hours ago

me cross eyed and seeing double:


I saw this discourse in the comments a thousand times and I just cannot commit to the entire work I have to click next chapter, it's like a reward

[ID: The AO3 next chapter button filtered through a wobbly haze]

oops i hit the wrong thing😅

i am a next chapter kinda lad too


Reading a Terry Pratchett book is literally just: Here's a funny little joke Here's something that you can tell is a joke but don't get and will only figure out five years later Here's a surprisingly cool fantasy concept Here's a unique and well written simile Here's a lil guy Here's something that has aged depressingly well into the modern day Here's something that has aged remarkably queer into the modern day Here's a character that you can barely understand what he's saying Here is the most terrifying and deeply disturbing concept you have ever heard, casually mentioned Here is the dumbest fucking pun you've ever heard but in the best way Here is a quote so profound that it makes you view morality and the world in a different way Here is a plot twist that you can't tell if it's genius or stupid Congratulations! You've finished the book! It has fundamentally changed you as a person and you will never be the same!


you know a joke that never EVER gets old is when a character says smth like “I will NOT go to [place] and that is FINAL” and then it cuts to them in that place I eat that shit up every single time

Equally good variant: when the character says smth like “what’s the worse that could happen?” and it cuts to a scene where it’s so much worse than what they imagined


alignment chart: bookmark edition. tag yourself i’m scrap paper


Depends entirely on the book. Ebook is self evident. Library book is scrap paper. Hardcover I own is scrap paper or bookmark. Cheap paperback I don’t care about is dog ear.


Being a Fanfic Writer made me a better Reader (an essay nobody asked for)

In my childhood I always disliked the acknowledgments and bonus material at the end of a book. I didn't care who helped you with the book, I don't know any face to these names, I am not mentioned, why do I even bother reading the acknowledgments?

I didn't. Not purely out of selfish disinterest but also because I was still caught up in a different universe, I was still feeling all the characters pain and happiness and I wasn't ready to acknowledge that this beautiful book was only that - a book. Written by a person. I wanted it to be real, I wanted the characters to be real and I wanted to live with them in their world.

Reading the acknowledgements meant recognizing the world I had spent hours and days in, wasn't... actually... real. I hated knowing that.

Then I started reading fanfiction and there were Author Notes. In these A/N the writer sometimes tells the most random shit about their day, some thoughts on the story or some background how they had to research to write this specific scene. I was suddenly interested in their life, thoughts and how they got the idea of this fic. I was eager to connect with the writer.

I was suddenly interested, but also wanted to let them know how much I appreciate their writing. So I voted on every chapter, commented all my thoughts on what is happening and had no filter whatsoever. The reactions of the writers made me incredibly happy. Like I did something good.

When I decided to write my own fanfiction I was overwhelmed by all of it. I loved the challenge of writing the characters well, of writing an interesting plot. And when I saw, "Oh, wow. People actually read my story?", I was so happy and excited. When i got votes (basically kudos on wattpad) i was (still am) so grateful. But when the readers let me know how much they feel because of MY writing in the comments - it's a magic that is incomparable for me.

And now, I read the acknowledgments and I am fascinated, how the author started writing, where the idea came from, how they struggled but pulled through.

Not long ago I binge-read a book in less than 24 hours and it wasn't until I read the acknowledgments that I started crying. Why? Because I learned, that the authors were wife & wife and inspired to write that book by their own love story. It was something so beautiful, pure and moving - it hit me somewhere deep inside of me.

Today, I dream of writing my own acknowledgments someday, I dream of thanking my family, my friends, my publisher, my editor and all the other people that helped me writing my own book. I dream of having an interview with someone about my book. I dream of being a published author that moves people.

Until then I will be a tiny fanfic writer that hopefully moves people, too. And I will be a moved reader, eager to learn everything about the writer and their journey.


I hear a lot of people bitching that they can’t leave kudos multiple times per story, or can’t leave kudos on every chapter, or whatever.

Well, take a page out of this marvelous book, because I swear I’ve never been so happy to receive kudos as waking up to multiple people having done this on multiple chapters on a story I just posted.

The bar just got raised, folks.

Would… would writers be glad to read a comment, that is saying “kudos”? 


We’re happy to get a smiley face, honestly. Leaving another kudos like this is great. Anything that tells us we aren’t just screaming into the void

^^^^^ This. Even the smallest comments are golddust. 

Seconding, thirding, and fourthing all of this. Saying or typing anything is amazing.

writers are happy with anything that isn’t ‘update pls’ when you just uploaded. type the alphabet and we’ll be grinning like fools cuz ‘sames’. 


Dang I know what to do now!!!!

Oh, but you can get creative with your extra kudos! 


(✿◠‿◠) – “I heart this so much!!” ⊂◉‿◉つ – “OMG, the surprise was so sweet! ☆(❁‿❁)☆ – “AHH! Love it!” ≧◠‿◠≦ – “All the feels!” ٩(˘◡˘)۶ – “Woot!!” ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) – “I see what you did there and/or that smut was on point.” ┑( ̄▽ ̄)┍ – “Sweet praises for you!” ლ(╹◡╹ლ) – “I love this story so hard, I get tingles when it updates!” ʘ‿ʘ – “WHat?!” (●⌒∇⌒●) – “Squee!!” (❁´◡`❁) – “Oh dear god, cavities!” (ノ´▽`)ノ♪ – “This made me siiiinnnnnggggg!!” ┏(^0^)┛ – “Happy dance!” ヾ(^∇^) – “Wonderful fic! Thanks again!”

OMG sadface.

(┬_┬) – “Literally crying, rn.” (^)o(^) – “Holy moly!”  (◕﹏◕✿) – “How … how could you do this to me?!” ಥ‿ಥ – “I’m not crying you are!”


ᕕ(◉Д◉ )ᕗ – “WTAF?!” (⊙…⊙,) – “Did yoU JUST.” ᕕ(˵•̀෴•́˵)ᕗ – “HOW DARE YOU! With my OWN EYES!” (ノ°Д°)ノ︵ ┻━┻ – “TABLE FLIP, you son-OF-A-!”

I canNOT with you!

(@[]@!!) – “WHAT IN THE HOLY HELL ARE YOU DOING?!” \(◎o◎)/!– “WAS NOT EXPECTING THAT.” (´・_・`) – “I do not know how I feel about this.”


><((((’> – “This fish is delicious.”

Feedback means everything to fanfic writers and hitting a like or kudos button doesn’t really give that. Even one word reviews do wonders


As someone who literally left asdfghjkl; as a comment the other day, I really appreciate this post and all its additions.


wanna add that the same pretty much goes for visual artists we love almost any comment as long as you- yknow- comment something

I love recieving kudos, but getting a comment that’s even “ <3 “ makes me sob /pos the idea that someone took the time to type something out is just !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;-;

i usually try to leave kudos or comments after every chapter and i am usually just a incoherent crying/laughing/any other intense emotion mess in them


OMG HOW HOT/LOVELY/DUMB ARE THEY (sometimes all of these) and then smash some keys and scream usually and idk just yell that i love it and moveo on to the next chapter

and when somebody does that for my fics they literally make my day sooo KEEEEEP GIVIIIIING COMMENTS!!!

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