
johnlocked turtle


a fanturtle (re)blogging fandom things. especially johnlock. i like writing about them mostly (*cough* only)
i love many other fandoms. i'll do you a favor and not list all of them. but: good omens.
a very gay she/they in her 20s.

Fanfic writers are like crows. If you give them treats (comments) they will bring you shiny things (fanfic)

I thought this said cows and thought, "Okay, tell me more..."

Fanfic creators are like cows, some people think you can just milk them for content, but actually they need enrichment (comments) and a nice pasture to graze on (kudos/likes) and they secretly also like cuddles (asks about their fic/art)


kudos and hits do not indicate the quality of the fic, by the way.

I’ve read so many fics, that aren’t as popular, that are so professionally written that I immediately know the authors even know the characters better than their original creators, respectfully. and so many of those fics made me cry and I’ve always come back to reread them because they’re that good, even if they don’t reach many people. they’re literally in my heart and I even think about them during the day because they’re that special to me.

the bottom line: the number of kudos and hits do not represent whether the work is good or bad.

and if you’re an author, don’t let it discourage you if you think your works don’t get enough hits or kudos.

sometimes the best fics that have ever been written are like a rare treasure, not many people will find them, but I promise you, those who do will cherish them very dearly ♡

Male Scifi and Fantasy writers: Look at this !Strong! female character! She can fight and solve puzzles, and ends up with the sidekick not the hero! Isn’t she a great character?
Everyone: No, she’s one-dimensional and still only exists to please the hero’s ego
Male scifi and fantasy writers: You’re never happy! This is how characters are written! Besides, it’s much harder for us to write women because we are men!
Terry Pratchett: *creates a female character who is literally the embodyment of a dog, sets her up to be the love interest of Protagonist Hero Man.* *writes her as clever, emotionally tortured, lonely and powerful* *uses her to explore difficulties of bisexuality and masculine dominated workforces*
Terry Pratchett: *Creates a pair of old witches, one of whom is a virgin and the other who has slept with lots of men.* *makes them best friends, never dismisses one lifestyle of the other, explains lifestyle choices based on characters history and personality, uses this to develop each character as the books progress*
Terry Pratchett: *Writes Sybil Rankin* *makes the powerful rich lady heavy set but beautiful, never plays her by her looks, develops her as she ages, acknowledges the way society views such people and then spits on their attitudes* *does it again with Agnes*
Terry Pratchett: *Writes a book about an entire army secretly being women, creates complex female relationships, introduces same sex relationships completely naturally*
Terry Pratchett: *takes old joke about female dwarves and uses it to explore gender identity without making it seem forced or unnatural, carefully discusses some of the issues and complextities whilst still making funny and witty observasions and maintaining genuine fantasy tropes*

Excellent note by @spiderleggedhorse


Terry’s writer superpower was always Thinking Things Through. All the way through.


Limits of the Human Body

Body Heat = 107.6 F

Cold Water = 40 F

Hot Air = 300 F

High Altitude = 15,000 ft

Starvation = 45 days

Diving Depth = 282 ft

Lack of Oxygen = 11 minutes

Blood Loss = 40%

Dehydration = 7 days


Writers finding this post:


Thank you

Europeans about half of this post:

Body Heat = 42 C

Cold Water = 4 C

Hot Air = 148 C

High Altitude = 4572m

Starvation = 45 days

Diving Depth = 390m

Lack Of Oxygen = 11 minutes

Blood Loss = 40%

Dehydration = 7 days

Europeans seeing this version of this post:


This doesn’t include the best bit of the whole thing - she found the Twitter thread!

This is like one of those romance novels where people bond over accidentally writing each other emails but better.

Like Pride and Prejudice but instead of the love interest getting dissed for his toxicity and then reforming, it’s just two people bonding over dissing a dead toxic asshole.

10/10 would recommend

Anonymous asked:

There is a writer, I love every work she has written so far and I comment or leave kudos every chapter/work that she had published. Is that too much? I'm feeling like a stalker.

Odds are you are now that author’s favourite reader and they have you specifically in mind when they write because they’re looking forward to your reaction to it :D

At least, that’s how it goes for me.




There seems to be a new prank going around on AO3, I reported these as spam but like

Don’t do this.

Sorry my fics have uh. WORDS? IN THEM?

I take art and writing seriously and view these as (false btw) accusations of plagiarism. I have never used AI to generate anything, nor will I ever. I’ve been writing fic for over a decade. If someone said this to my face there would be physical blows

I saw the above post

I opened the app

I had no new comments

I closed the app

I reopened the app

I had seven comments with impossible timestamps

Whatever this is, it's fake and mean and really bad at its job, some of these fics are years old

Good to know about a new crappy anonymous insult circulating. If we see one we can just REPORT (thanks @mydogwatson) and delete, delete, delete

this happened to me as well:

and i must say: this is truly hurtful and to be quite honest... low. it is - as said above - an accusation of plagiarism, which feels especially shitty, when YOUR WRITING - that you have put hours, days, weeks, months, to write, proofread and edit into - ACTUALLY has been plagiarized multiple times. (and you can't do anything about it) (please read and reblog this post regarding this problem)

i am not okay with it and whoever thinks it's "funny", or a "great way to advertise AI": kindly eff off.

to READERS ON AO3: support your writers, tell them when you spot such a comment (maybe through tumblr or another communication tool) and don't believe these accusations. it is content creators that are victims of plagiarism not AI.

“WRITE IT BADLY. Write it badly, write it badly, write it badly, write it badly. Stop what you’re doing, open a Word document, put a pencil on some paper, just get the idea out of your head. Let it be good later. Write it down now. Otherwise it will die in there.”

— Brandon Sanderson on overcoming writer’s block to create a first draft as a professional author (via almost-always-eventually-right)

i love it


Just put my fingers on the keyboard and start WRITING. I can always edit myself into sanity later. 

@7-percent don't put this in the tags!

this could be a fucking poem!!!!


writing is either *creates entire magic system* *writes three thousand words in a day* *types furiously* *flawless imagery* *natural dialogue* *in the ~zone~ and nothing can stop you* *feeling unbeatable*

or *stares at blank document for two hours*

and there is no in between

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