
The Phantom's Lair

@phantoms-lair / phantoms-lair.tumblr.com

I'm Eternal Phantom. This is where I do fanfics, occasional fanart, and reblogs cool stuff from other people. (Also I am working on the next chapter of Mirror's Gaze, but asking me about it tends to make me feel guilty and depressed about taking so long so please don't. You can ask about the series itself, just not the next chapter.

Tying into this

Just little interactions that amused me Luis: You've been infected with the parasite. Luckily I've developed a way to- Danny: Hold on, this is going to feel weird *Turns Ashley intangible and pull the plaga out of her body* Luis: What did I just see? Seriously, would somebody explain what the hell I just saw? ~~~ Leon: So, do you have 'disappearing people' among your skill set? Ada: Agent Kennedy, are you asking if I do assassinations? Leon: NO! I'm talking about helping someone disappear so they can start a new life Danny: (invisible) I am quite capable of disappearing myself, thank you

Ada: Oooo. Interesting Leon: Nevermind, I no longer trust you with this.

~~~~ Leon: What are you doing here?

GIW Agent: We mobilized as soon as the collar was removed. Do not worry Agent Kennedy, we'll get the asset under control. As for you, I've got some extra painful experiment lined up for embarrassing us like this. Leon: *headshots all the GIW* Danny: O.O

Anonymous asked:


Danny Phantom x Video Game

"Condor you will be assigned a partner for this mission. Code name Potoo. He's from another agency, he'll meet you in Spain." To be honest, he was expecting someone like Krauser. What he wasn't expecting was... "Condor to Roost. That is a child." "Come again, Condor?" "Code Name Potoo is literally a child." There was no visuals on over the ear pieces, but he could imagine Hunnigan's pursed lips. "Our other branch indicated the despite his appearance, Codename Potoo wasn't a child." Our other branch was trying to get out of some shit. Because that was a child. "I don't supposed they'd be willing to offer said agents files?" "They're...classified beyond our clearance?" Hunnnigan sounded puzzled, as well she should be. They were a mission to rescue the President's daughter. Nothing should be beyond their clearance. "I think a closer look is due at our other agency. Condor out." Leon took another look at the black haired teenager who was glaring at him. Mostly looking at the shape not quite hidden under his turtleneck. Leon's money was on some kind of control collar or bomb to ensure complicity. Mission one, save Ashley. Mission two, save Codename Potoo


Leon had been a cop for all of one day. And maybe it was egotistical, but he felt he'd been a better cop in that one day than those two were in their entire career. They didn't question the boy on the investigation. They didn't notice the collar he was wearing. They seemed very unconcerned that people had been disappeared here lately. And when one didn't come back in a timely manner from his pee break, he'd sent Leon and the kid. If it was just Leon he'd hoped it was because they HAD noticed things were wrong and this was all contrived to separate Leon and the kid so they could make sure he was okay. But no, they were just lazy. Any attempt at communication with the kid had been met with glares and Leon wasn't entirely sure he could talk. But he couldn't blame him. Look what the government had done to him, why would he trust one of it's agents?


Marvel + Ranma 1/2

Steve and Bucky hit the ground hard. But then again it's hard to judge landing when you're thrown through a random portal in space time. Now to look for context clues to figure out where and when they were. A forest was pretty nondescript in both regards.

Steve felt himself grew tense as he saw a sign reminding hikers not to litter. A sign in Japanese. Steve had no problem with the Japan of the 'modern' times(part of him still thought of it as the future). But he vividly remembered a time when Japan and America were lock in a bloody kill-on-sight war and there was no guarantee that wasn't the time period he had landed in. The best thing to do was just like when you were lost in a forest normally. Stay where you are and wait for rescue.

"Dad, please no! I don't want to go into the pit again!"

Steve and Bucky shared a look. They'd both become fluent in Japanese during the war and neither one were going to just sit back and ignore that.

They headed towards the sound of the cry, pushing themselves faster as it became a bloodcurdling scream. They broke into a clearing in the woods to see a fat middle aged man cracking open a beer. In front of him was a wooden cover over a pit, doing nothing to muffle the yowling of cats and the screaming of a child.

Steve ran to the pit while Bucky covered the man. He raised the lid and almost gagged from the combined smell of rot, urine, cat feces, and blood. Without thinking he jumped in and scooped up the small boy while the cats tried ineffectively to claw through his uniform.

"I've got you," he whispered in Japanese even as he heard the sharp retort of a gunshot. He climbed out of the pit and saw the fat man on the ground with a single gunshot wound to his head.

Bucky was giving him a challenging look, like he expected Steve to yell at him. But after seeing what this man had done to his own son, holding the bloody and injured boy who was looking ahead with blank unseeing eyes...all Steve did was give him a nod.

The sky broke above where they had initially landed. "Looks like our ride homes here." Bucky commented, but there was a question in his eyes. What do we do with the kid?

But there wasn't really a question was it? He needed medical attention and there was no telling how far they were from civilization. If they left him here, he'd probably die. "You get to explain this to the others." was all Bucky said as he took off towards the opening portal.

Steve rolled hiss eyes and followed. This kid was going to need a crapton of physical and mental therapy. And adults who were in it for the long haul.

Good thing Steve was the worst at giving up


Let's all be in a TV show!!!

> Do this quiz

> do this picrew (Based on urself + quiz answers)

> tag ppl

> profit.

Tags (/nf ofc):


i invite myself anywhere i wish to go

it's not really that bad fr?? quiz was fun but unfortunately missed.



@cloudwhisper23 @pixlokita @rotkad @skullzy20 and anyone else who wants to join!!


Dang -


PEBKAC: Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair (the user is the issue here) Lithobraking Maneuver (our rocket stopped because it crashed into rocks)

Operator headspace problem (the user is a dumbass--we used this one a lot when I was a generator mechanic)


Loose Nut Behind the Wheel -- dumbass driver

Unintended Fauna Interaction -- fucker bit me


I fucking love these special terms, especially the ones about the user being a fucking idiot

Mom introduced me to the phrase ID10T error.


Apparently a part of the reason why farmed bees stay in the beehives that humans build for them is because the farm hives are safer and sturdier. I don't know how a busy Discord server's worth of bugs that only have one brain cell each would logically conclude that the humans protect them from outside threats, illness and parasites, but if I understood right, the bees would be free to move away and build a new nest somewhere else any time they'd want, and they simply choose not to.

You know how in almost every culture, people have some concept of "if I sacrifice something that I made/grew/produced to the Gods, they will ward me and my harvest from evil"?

So, in a way, don't the bees willingly sacrifice a part of their harvest to an entity not only far greater than them, but nearly beyond their comprehension, in exchange for protection against natural forces wildly outside of their own control?

So tell me, beekeepers, what are you to your bees, if not a mildly eldritch God?

I don’t know about other cultures, but in English folklore, when a beekeeper dies someone has to go out and tell the bees.


Imagine you’re a neolithic hunter-gatherer, just hanging out, sacrificing stuff to your god, when a new god you’ve never met before shows up and tells you that your god is dead, it’s not your fault or anything, and maybe a new god will come along to take care of you, maybe not, it’s gonna be touch and go for a while


Apparently in medieval Europe they also whispered secrets to the bees.

So imagine the mildly eldritch God you worship talks to you and tells you secrets, but these secrets make no sense to you and are incomprehensible to understand or even know they are secrets. But your God does make vibrations at you, so thats probably a good thing right??

Also occasionally the Swarm decides there is not enough room in the Hive because the eldritch god didn't take the offering of Honey at their normal time. So enough of a Swarm builds up that the second queen is able to leave without decimating the first Swarm. They are all set to search out a new place that will likely not have your God anymore (but really that's not too much of a struggle, they have abandoned you, that's part of why you've left, even though the first Swarm still holds out hope for their return).

And then, the scouts find another Hive right next to the old Hive. Literally right next to it. So the Queen lands to inspect it and wow, it's a good deal. The area already has enough food to support 2 Hives, so it's a not problem to stay in the area now that they have the space, but...this wasn't here before.

And then you see God, they've come to help the Swarm move to the new Hive and take the offering from the old Hive. Truly this must have been their plan all along


In English folklore, you ALSO have to invite your bees to your wedding, and decorate their hive, and leave a slice of cake for them, and also bring your new spouse by to introduce them to the hive straightaway. Imagine your eldritch god doing THAT.

#these polite beekeepers are just modeling the behavior they would like to see from their own god maybe? #perhaps if we could sting God he would tell us secrets

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