
Nothing is written

@miss-edith-cushing / miss-edith-cushing.tumblr.com

We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.
Anonymous asked:

So I think I might be bi? But if I am it changes almost nothing about my life because I am happily and monogamously married. But if it doesn't really matter, why do I have so many feelings about it???? Anyways, I am asking you because it seems like there is a 50/50 chance of a delightful and pithy answer or a picture of a bird as an answer.



How do you get so much EXPRESSION from a (line-drawn) 2D swan?!

Birdtender Tea. No no.. it’s Bi-tender Tea.  Bi-BirdTeader?

It’s Just Boilt Twigs

Anonymous asked:

So I think I might be bi? But if I am it changes almost nothing about my life because I am happily and monogamously married. But if it doesn't really matter, why do I have so many feelings about it???? Anyways, I am asking you because it seems like there is a 50/50 chance of a delightful and pithy answer or a picture of a bird as an answer.


This seriously made my week


Now that we’re approaching 20,000 notes I want to share what I’ve learned since this post first gained traction.

It is increasingly apparent that only a select minority of certain communities are willing to listen to this post and accept that bisexuality’s inclusivity and definition are not up for debate, and that this definition and inclusivity are not new to our community.

It is equally difficult to get through to people who have chosen Latin meanings over history, a hypocritical stance they don’t take up with words like gay or lesbian.

I’ve had more people deny this post’s truth than recognize it as history. I’ve spent hours having to reply to people who do not care about bisexuals than I have talking to people this post helped.

This post is not my opinion, it is a collection of sourced quotes. Despite this being stated over and over again, the content of this post is treated as discourse that is original and unique to my blog.


honestly i get so sad when i think about the irreparable damage done to the bisexual community because of the ahistorical redefinition of what it means to be bisexual, like i spent so long thinking that i couldn't be bi because I'd been told emphatically that bisexuality didn't include trans people and that other identies focused on personality over gender/genitals where bisexuality didn't, and that's not only biphobic as hell that's also just.... wrong

to all those people out there wondering if bisexuality is for them, the definition of bisexuality has been "attraction regardless of gender" since the 1970s, there's such a wonderfully diverse and rich history of bisexuality, i promise you there is room for you in this identity and I'm so sorry other people have told you otherwise


pan people are good and I like them. if ur pan I’m mentally shaking ur hand and “nice.”

bi/pan solidarity is really good and easy actually. I walk up to my pan friend and ask “hey why do you id as pan?” and they say “because I feel it matches my internal perception of my orietation. why do you id as bi?” and I say “because I feel it matches my internal perception of my orietation. yknow, our lived experience of being attracted to multiple genders is almost identical, it would be really stupid if I were to treat you badly and spend large amounts of my time insulting you because of some weird idea that your identity means you inherently think you’re better than me and wish I’d stop existing, right? that would be fucked up and mind numbingly pointless, right?” and they say “yeah man, it would be” and then we make a cake :)


there probably is something to be said about the unhealthy pressure put on bisexuals to analyse not only like, the validity of our bisexuality but also the minute ways we experience our attraction. like, do you have a gender preference or not? do you lean towards men or women? do you feel attraction to different genders in different ways? surely your attraction is based on highly gendered stereotypes. do you like gnc people? do you like masc or fem presenting people? etc, etc

and it leads us to over scrutinise and fracture our sexuality in ways we shouldn’t have to. not to mention, the ways we define and describe ourselves has to meet some measure of being progressive enough before its acceptable, and that measure changes depending on the community you’re in. it doesn’t lead to a healthy view of ourselves or other bisexual people. bisexuality is already a whole sexuality and despite assurances to the contrary, it’s obvious that a lot of people can’t wrap their heads around that. simply because they still see men and women as completely divorced from each other and struggle to know how attraction to both can function as a whole.


it’s obvious that a lot of people can’t wrap their heads around that. simply because they still see men and women as completely divorced from each other and struggle to know how attraction to both can function as a whole.



seriously though bisexuality being defined as attraction to men and women is a heterosexual’s definition of bisexuality actual bisexual groups and organizations have been defining it as attraction to two or more genders or same and other genders since the nineties and plenty of nb people actually id as bi and refusing to accept how we define ourselves is so absurdly biphobic and heterosexist and jfc it’s 2014 can other queer people fucking realize and acknowledge this

The purple stripe on the bi flag is meant to represent attraction to nb genders and the bisexual manifesto published in Anything That Moves includes the lines “Do not assume that bisexuality is binary or duogamous in nature … In fact, don’t assume that there are only two genders.” That was published in 1990. It’s older than a lot of people here, including me, and older than terms like “pansexual” and “polysexual” by at least a decade. Bi history is important.

‘Bisexual’ meant ‘all genders and none’ back in the 1970s when I came out. It’s important to remember that. Maybe the word isn’t quite right now, but the meaning behind it, in my experience, always has been.


The difference between bisexuality and pansexuality: a powerpoint guide. 


… but….why put the my little ponies in there…….

1. Because they match the color scheme of the pride flags 

2. I like ponies. 

3. It reenforces the light and cheerful tone of the overall powerpoint. 

This is probably one of the best and least offensive/erasing guides out there and people are complaining about the ponies.


THANK YOU FOR THIS! so many people don’t understand that bi = 1) same/similar genders and 2) other genders. my personal definition of bisexuality is super close to pansexuality, I just like bi as a label for myself more.

I do know people who have legit chosen the one with the flag they like better. That’s how much overlap there is.

That is literally the reason I primarily identify as Bi. X3 Love purple. Sadly, the trans flag is just blue, pink, and white, so no help there. XD

partly joking, but also totally serious. I legit have a hard time telling the difference between bi and pan. I know for some there is a line and they are on one side or the other. For me, I’m just like ‘yep. I am those. Oh? one flag has purple? I mean, I’m bi.’

I do like purple, but that’s not why I chose bi over pan when pan became a thing (I’m in my 40s, so pan hasn’t always been a thing).

I did pick up the pansexual label and turn it over a few times before putting it back down. And the reason for me is that the quality of attraction I feel depends on the person’s gender and gender presentation. It’s something I’ve talked about with other bisexuals, and it’s a thing for some of us.

To me, to be truly pansexual, gender can’t enter into not only whether you are attracted to somebody but how. But others may have a different opinion, and that’s absolutely valid.

My understanding of the definitions of the various terms (the technical definitions, everyone is entitled to their own labels and feelings about connotations of words) is this:

Bisexual means being attracted to 2 or more genders up to and including being attracted to all genders. So bisexual atttraction is 2≤bi≤n, where n=all genders that exist/are possible.

Polysexual means being attracted to multiple genders, but not all genders. 2≤poly<n

Pansexual means being attracted to all genders, and gender may or may not factor into how you are attracted to people. Pan=n

Omnisexual also means being attracted to all genders (omni=n), but unlike pansexual, gender *must* play a role in how you are attracted to people.

So (again, *by technical definition*) someone who is any one of these would also be bi — which is why a person might use bisexual as an umbrella term — but someone who is bi would not fall under all other terms, and in fact cannot as being poly is mutually exclusive to being pan or omni.

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