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    great pyrenees are so fucking awesome theyre just big. if i didnt think that owning one was a supremely bad idea for me in particular id get one. i just think itd become my boss or something. im too lazy for a working breed truly


    go white boy


    sarcastic dog. dog that has contempt for you

    martin, for all his faults, at least knows when he's being self-destructive. he is acutely aware, even. jon, on the other hand, will look directly at daisy and say "it's all very rational, my back up plan for if I couldn't get you out of the coffin was that it would just kill me and if that didn't happen I was hoping that you'd just kill me."

    jon knows that depression and ptsd exist but he thinks he's immune to them and that all his fantasies about being put down like a dog are merely the reasoned thoughts of a scholarly mind

    fantasies makes it seem like hes genuinely just kicking his feet laying on his stomach on his bed with his chin in his palms, sighing dreamily, as he envisions his head getting bashed in by the current person who hates him most, or cutting off his limbs, or

    that’s exactly what he’s doing

    Anonymoussent a message

    had an extremely silly experience (listening to TMApod for the first time, reach Thought for the Day, think: why do I know this name?, ah yes it's the Tumblr user with the bisexual Dear Evan Hansen icon). I don't even follow you. your impact

    my impact………..

    Anonymoussent a message

    i recently saw the thomas edison memorial (in edison, nj) and it is so terrifying it looks like something out of the silt verses please look it up. theres also a stylized version for the seal of the town which also looks like it belongs in tsv. sorry i just needed to share this with the people

    now THAT’S a fucking monument babey

    Anonymoussent a message

    hi i am so sorry to bother you but i just finished mag 200 and i am in shambles . i need a break from horror as a whole so i will not be listening to protocol for quite some time but i was wondering if there is any confirmation on jon/martin’s status post-finale in it so far? thank you, i am in tears

    that is a surprisingly difficult question to answer. there is no Confirmation of anything but there is a Big Question lingering in the air about whether a certain aspect of the show means anything about their fate.

    "no you're wrong everyone here knows that jkr is a terf but they hate us / don't care" my gay psychiatrist who specializes in lgbt patients needed me to explain to him what a "terf" was. another counselor i saw whose brother is gay and works in the transfem community had a harry potter mug on her desk. the political beliefs of a british fantasy book author are not high on american news priorities. please be real. your knowledge is specific and not world-shattering in the scheme of things. venture outside your bubble for 5 minutes and talk to someone who isn't a white queer in their 20s.

    by the way this is the procedure to get out of gaza

    1. it costs 5k USD per adult and 2.5k USD per child
    2. if you want to raise this money via GOFUNDME it has to be arranged by someone who is NOT living in Palestine because GFM does not release money to Palestine. GFM also verifies every detail so it has to be accurate so you need someone who is out of Palestine and also familiar with the bureaucracy.
    3. once you raise the money one of your FIRST ORDER RELATIVES have to deposit this money IN CASH and IN PERSON at the Cairo offices of a company called hala. this person cannot be a Palestinian male under 40 because they are not allowed to be Egypt without a permit
    4. once you pay the money you have to WAIT for your names to be published by Egyptian military at the Rafah crossing and the you have 24 hours to get out

    it is a very long and convoluted process that is impossible for most Palestinians who do not have contacts in other counties. Please please donate to the GFMs you see floating around because they’ve been verified and this is only the first step in an arduous journey. Once in Cairo, Palestinians aren’t allowed to work so they need money for their support also.


    Today I explained why I can't really travel to Florida right now to my dad & watching him get increasingly frustrated with the realization that Transphobia Exists was honestly something else.

    him: "well if you're not allowed to use the men's bathroom, just go to the women's! that'll show them."

    me: "yeah but I'm just as likely to have the cops called on me for 'using the wrong bathroom' in there. have you seen me lately?"

    him: "but if one of the options is wrong and not allowed then the other one has to be the right option. what do they want you to do?"

    my grandma, helpfully: "I think they want trans people to not go to Florida"

    my dad: spluttering frustratedly

    me: "I think the thing is that you are more logical and reasonable than Ron DeSantis."

    the face of a semi-reformed(?) conservative when realizing with dawning horror that laws can be unfair on purpose is truly special tbh

    my grandma also questioned how often it actually happens that people are calling the cops on trans people in airport bathrooms & started talking about the statistics she wanted to look up, and I got to explain that there isn't even basic research on some decades-old trans healthcare procedures, so the statistics she wanted almost certainly did not exist.

    the shocked outrage of someone learning for the first time that bigotry is bad is strangely comforting. reminds me that most people are pretty normal, I think.

    Had a really similar experience when a coworker was talking about a trip to an over the top conservative area and how much I’d love it.

    “I’d like to, but I can’t safely travel there,” I told her.

    “Wh-wait why?”

    “I’m visibly queer. If I went there with my partner we’d be unsafe.”

    “Oh… you could just… not hold hands?”

    I gave her a flat look and asked, “Would you want to travel somewhere that holding your husbands hand put you in danger?”

    “Oh… I guess not.”

    “Besides, it’s not enough. Just looking like we do is enough to trigger aggression. Even if we don’t hold hands. I’ve been threatened just walking near my girlfriend in a parking lot on multiple occasions.”

    She looked visibly shaken and never brought up travel again.

    this is problematic of me (joke) but i really enjoy the splashing of french into english speech or writing. just adds a pizzazz

    *adds a certain je ne sais quoi

    see the problem is that despite around 8 years of french schooling the french language has utterly escaped my brain so even the most obvious set up i had created for myself by accident was missed by me. such is life.

    *c'est la vie

    god damn it