
A Conspiracy of Cartographers

@ashfae / ashfae.tumblr.com

"What are you playing at?" "Words. Words. They're all we have to go on." | American wench living in Scotland. | She/her | Little too smitten with Good Omens at present | I just find things that seem interesting or shiny or entertaining and then babble about them | A03 | RP

The thing about romance is, it makes a good story.

As soon as Neil described season 2 as "quiet, gentle, romantic" I figured we'd be in for it, because as he's the first to point out, writers are liars. And the best way to deceive is with truth.

Season 2 is romantic. The trappings of romance are everywhere. Crowley tries to set up Nina and Maggie by trapping them under an awning during a rainstorm, a classic cinematic bonding technique. Aziraphale's chosen method comes from his beloved books: the ball, the dancing, appearing as a pair in public, hands held as you twirl gracefully with your heart thrilled and racing. If they can set up a sensational kiss that will unlock the happy ever after. They've lived on earth, they've studied the tropes, they know how romance works.

The problem is a story is only a story.


Silk is so beautiful. Thank you worms


u know they boil them alive for silk right

They’re worms…

ok im not gonna argue with a sociopath

Thank god

As I've already said on another post:

A: you don't have to kill them for the silk

B: silk moths spend BASICALLY THEIR WHOLE LIVES AS CATERPILLARS and only wrap themselves in silk after they've lived all their life because

C: when they turn into moths, THEY DO NOT HAVE MOUTHS. this is a very common feature for moths. They turn into moths to have sex and then starve to death.

D: in the wild, maybe thirty out of a hundred eggs survive to be caterpillars. Maybe one out of a hundred survives to become a moth. A moth who has a few days, at most, to live. They have no way to defend themselves. Many die before they even get to mate. Some never find mates. If they don't starve to death, they get eaten by a predator. And this isn't even counting the ones who get eaten in the cocoon by parasitic wasps.

E: the lifecycle of a wild silkworm is to struggle, struggle, maybe get sex, then starve to death.

F: domestic silkworms are literally flightless. They cannot survive in the wild. But we take care of them. Nearly one hundred percent of silkworms survive to metamorphosis- and every single one of them lives a safe, warm, long life, where their favourite food is literally handed to them, where they want for nothing. And even THEN, MORE OF THEM SURVIVE TO BECOME MOTHS THAN THEY DO IN THE WILD. The ones who die do so painlessly, and 100% of them gets used- they're literally edible. They get eaten, like they would in the wild, but infitesimally less painfully because they're already dead when they get eaten. Even the cocoons from the moths who chewed through their silk get used! And the moths? The many more who survive than in the wild? They have gigantic orgies, lay eggs that they know will live the same long, idyllic lives they did, and then die.

The life of a domestic silkworm moth is the kindest, most perfect life they could ever live.

This is like if aliens said "hey you get to eat your favourite food forever, live longer than you ever would, and never be in any danger, and your children and their children and their children will also have this, but when you die peacefully in your sleep after living a full life (because you are ssfe from all diseases also) we get your clothes and also your bodies?" and also imagine YOU DON'T HAVE A CONCEPT OF A SOUL OR BURYING A BODY OR CREMATING A BODY OR DOING ANYTHING WITH A BODY. OR THAT THE BODY OF SOMEONE WHO DIED HAS ANY VALUE TO YOU WHATSOEVER. Assume dead humans like. Just lie there and get eaten by dogs.

Literally, to them, all we get out of this is like... instead of something else eating the bodies, we eat them? It's literally just "hey instead of getting eaten by birds, would you like to have lives sweeter than you could imagine but like. You get eaten by monkeys and also less of you get eaten and you're already dead when they eat you."

If you're going to judge someone for liking the byproduct of a process, maybe educate yourself on the process first.


Donations are now open!

By submitting proof of a $5 or more donation to a charity benefiting people in Palestine, you can submit prompts for Good Omens fanfiction, fanart, or fan edits!


I’m one of the artists participating in this campaign! Donate to a good cause and submit a prompt to get Good Omens fanwork!


so many people do not understand that 1) animals are not people, and 2) they aren't teaching their animals what they THINK they are teaching them.

dog group on the book of faces, someone is asking for advice on how to get their dog to come to them after the dog is done relieving itself outside. The dog doesn't like coming to them an they spend ten or twenty minutes or more catching the dog each time to bring it in. Which reminded me of one of many attempts to talk a person through trying to fix exactly this same behavior in *many* other dogs over the years...

Me: So, a quick question for you... does the dog not coming to you and you having to chase them down frustrate you?

Them: Of course!

Me: So what do you do when you finally either catch the dog or get them to come to you?

Them: I give the dog a correction!

Me: So. You get hands on your dog and then you immediately punish them for allowing you to get hands on them. And you wonder why your dog has developed the habit of not coming to you?

Them: No, that's not... I'm punishing them for not coming when I call!

Me: Which was.... fifteen minutes ago, or so, you said?

Them: Yes, when I first called them!

Me: Dogs brains literally cannot link an abstract thought like that. A thought and a consequence MUST happen within 2.4 seconds of one another, or the consequence becomes linked to the most recent behavior, thought, or activity. So, tell me... how is your dog supposed to understand that you punishing them is for the event fifteen minutes ago when you have made such a concerted, if unintentional, effort to teach them that them getting close enough for you to lay hands on them in the yard means an immediate punishment?

Them: But that's not what I *meant*!

Me: Doesn't matter what YOU meant... what THEY learned is that they come to you, and they get punished. Stop punishing your dog for the behavior that you want to see more of.

Stop anthropomorphizing your animals, folks. They don't think like us. Stop setting them - and yourself - up for failure.

with humans, thanks to the capacity for abstract thought, punishing them basically always produces undesired results.


Made myself mad so here's a reminder: thought crime isn't real.

You are not comparable to real life abusers if you enjoy dark fiction or "problematic" relationships. You are not committing a crime by enjoying age gaps and underagexadult ships. You are not hurting a single soul by doing whatever you want with fictional characters.

They are not real. They are cut-out dolls and some people prefer to burn their toys. You're okay.


hot take but “kill all men” and similar proclamations that all men are evil and inherently bad is not feminist and is only making things worse, pushing men to become like Andrew Tate. it is also removing accountability from men who are actually bad; “you can’t get mad at me, it’s in my nature!”

you are not helping anyone. not yourself, not women, not men. you are just hurting actual good people while the people you are trying to hurt are enabled. you are not turning people away from misogyny, you are pushing them towards it.

hating all men is not cool. it is not feminist. no issue is solved by simply reversing who is being affected.

it’s also so. weird? seeing this sentiment from queer people. this sentiment is anti-queer. there is no way around that. you are pushing men back into the closet. i’m a trans man but i denied it for years because of this.

you are not a feminist, nor for queer liberation. you are a fake activist who only cares about being seen as superior instead of caring about the wellbeing of people, and you’re lying about it.


AI disturbance overlays for those who don't have Ibis paint premium. found them on tiktok

how do you use these?

Put these on the top layer above everything, set layer to 'overlay' then adjust opacity. You can put it on whatever opacity you want but usually 30%+ is most effective.

The point is to obstruct the picture so AI can't read your image because AI counts every single pixel in your art

By this post alone, in less than 5 hours.

I need you all to calm the fuck down




Art people pls use this


bargain basement ai scraper thwarter


The Global Plastic Treaty explained in 60 seconds 🌍✨

This year, we're making big moves in the fight against plastic pollution! 🌍✨ Countries, scientists, policymakers, and industries are teaming up to negotiate the Global Plastic Treaty. Here’s your 60-second explainer on what it’s all about and how we're pushing for stronger regulations to protect people and the planet!

Get updates on the treaty and opportunities to get involved by subscribing to our Ocean Action email.


I’m going to tell you something nobody told me:

It is O-fucking-Kay if you think you’re trans except for that one thing

If you think you might be a girl but you like having your hair short, or you don’t like wearing dresses, or you don’t want to wear makeup, that is totally okay

If you think you might be a guy but you like having long hair or you really love skirts or you wear lots of sparkly jewellery, that is totally okay

If you think you might be nonbinary but you really like presenting in a way that aligns with your agab, that is totally okay

If you think you might be trans but you aren’t sure if you want hormones, that is totally okay

If you think you’re trans “except for…” that is totally okay and get this: you don’t have to change that part of yourself to be trans

You can if you want to, but if you don’t, that is totally okay

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