
This quintessence of dust


they, them / good omens & the good place / just out here trying to start a few world wars & write fic  /  Find me on AO3

Growing up in the shadow of West Virginia’s Eden Mountain, Aziraphale Wright always expected to work for the family coal mining company. Anthony Crowley, the son of a down-and-out miner, was going to become a pilot and leave town forever. Now, thirty years later, neither of their lives have gone as planned, and an unexpected inheritance brings them back into one another’s orbit. Aziraphale hopes that they can move beyond their shared past, and a high school arrangement that ended in disaster, but he has secrets of his own that threaten their fragile reconnection…

Complete as of July 2021!


my trick for getting through grad school is learning to navigate the quadrants with all their nuances


people really underestimate the importance of mastering that bottom right. quitting things is a skill! it can improve your life and open up new opportunities! add it to your arsenal today


very funny (irritating) to me that everyone whined and yelled about stupid rainbow capitalism and how performative wokeness/allyship is a net bad we should all refuse to support and now like.

tumblr is doing nothing for pride and target isn't selling much (if any) of their pride collection offline except at certain stores (in democratic areas, basically) and build a bear has a much tinier collection than normal and all the actual pride stuff is on their "adult" website (not sure if it's in stores, but pride = adult is a hell of a message)

there are genuinely good criticisms for performative allyship in all its applications. it shouldn't be the only thing we expect from people and companies. but if all the shit I see being called performative stopped tomorrow then in terms of the LGBTQ+ community especially we just. wouldn't talk about queerness or queer issues or celebrate pride or do anything.

open your fucking eyes. we are very close politically to having gay marriage rolled back. now companies are basically being let off the hook to even make a miniscule effort (which matters to the people who don't have access to any other kind of support in their communities! which normalizes the community in public spaces!) because the only reaction they have gotten over the last few years are negative ones from BOTH sides.

we are so entrenched in discourse at all times for the sake of our OWN performance of who is the wokest and who is REALLY an ally or a good community member that we have basically handed over all the work of activists of the last several decades to the other side because we'd rather scream at each other over fucking chicken restaurants and shit than the real life backsliding that's happening.

and this goes for other shit too. feminism, poc rights, all of it.

also. trans rights aren't discourse and aren't just culture war arguments. in case any terfs think they can spin this to be antitrans.


Was is on this post or a similar one where someone said that the corporations going all out for pride month is our canary for queer safety and this year the canary has stopped singing?


Happy pride‼️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

“Regardless,” Crowley says, coughing. “We’re not queer.”
“Maybe not the way the men at my dancing club were,” Aziraphale concedes, and oh, isn’t that a revelation Crowley files away for later. Aziraphale knew all along what that place was really for and went anyway.
“I rather think,” Aziraphale stutters, and the blush returns on his cheeks as he looks down at his perfectly manicured nails. “It’s not about what we’re shaped like, or um...our intimate moments. I think…” he cuts himself off and turns, if possible, even pinker. “I think it’s about loving, loving in a way that’s not expected of you, that’s actively discouraged even--” and here Aziraphale looks up, meets and holds Crowley’s gaze behind the smoky lenses, “to the point of persecution and punishment by one’s respective societies, as it were.”.
“Oh,” Crowley says softly. “Oh.”

Happy Pride, my loves.



The facts, as Crowley understood them, were these:

1. Crowley had offered his entire self to Aziraphale, until the end of time.

2. When that hadn’t been enough, Crowley had kissed Aziraphale.

3. Broadly speaking, Aziraphale had not kissed him back.

4. Broadly speaking, Aziraphale had rejected not only Crowley’s entire self but also the whole Earth and all its pleasures, backslid on six thousand years of coffee dates and musical theater premiers and dinners at the Ritz, and fucked right off back to Heaven for all eternity.

It was a lot to swallow, even for someone who had once been a snake. It was a lot to swallow, especially because Crowley kept getting caught up on the particulars.

Words: 7,251

Status: Complete

Rating: Explicit

This is a locked fic


Thanks so much for the lovely rec and the cool cover!

Anonymous asked:

Hi! Your work is just amazing and for at least a year now I've been trying to find a fic but I can't see to find it... it was a human AU in wich Aziraphale was the child of someone that had a huge mining compagny and Crowley had an accident, he lost an eye,Aziraphale felt so much guilt he left and they find each other back again years after

If it can help I also remember that Aziraphale had HIV but was taking medication for it

Oh and Crowley wanted to be a pilot but couldn't because of his injury

Thank you so much for your amazing work!

Hello! Yes, it's this one:

The False and the Fair by Princip1914 [E]

Growing up in the shadow of West Virginia’s Eden Mountain, Aziraphale Wright always expected to work for the family coal mining company. Anthony Crowley, the son of a down-and-out miner, was going to become a pilot and leave town forever. Now, thirty years later, neither of their lives have gone as planned, and an unexpected inheritance brings them back into one another’s orbit. Aziraphale hopes that they can move beyond their shared past, and a high school arrangement that ended in disaster, but he has secrets of his own that threaten their fragile reconnection…

~Mod N


I’ve recently gotten an uptick in new readers/commenters for this fic and was wondering why! This ask is probably the reason. Thanks @aziraphales-library for helping the anon find my fic! And thanks for all the work you do to curate fandom recs—I love reading through the asks and expanding my list of new writers and fics to check out!

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