

redtail | she/her | 25+
multifandom and other topics. minors dni. bad at tagging things.

materializes after two years. hello I am potentially coming back here. Went thru some shit. Am better now. Mostly. Some overall updates:

- Deleted the falconry blog. It was old, had some old bad takes on it frankly. While I know we can’t erase internet history, it’s easier on my mind to have it gone. I also didn’t like the spotlight being on me, nor did I like having a huge following.

- I bought a horse! He’s an irish sporthorse named cooley. He’s my son. Biological

- Broke my first bone. Didn’t get to keep the chunks.

- Sedona, my old harris hawk, passed away around a year ago. She started having neurological symptoms that persisted over a few months. Not avian influenza, and necropsy was inconclusive. The suspect, honestly, is a tumor in the spine they missed.

- Puff, harli, and jim are all doing good! Puff and jim are married.

- My current falconry bird is a secondhand harris named Urbosa.

To anyone who kept following me, thank you for sticking around. I’ll leave this post pinned for the time being. Dunno what I want to do here yet.


idk if this is a contreversial take or not but i think that the ideal internet experience is being able to remove specific things (triggers, nsfw, gore) if you truly dont want to see them but overall being also shown things you aren’t interested in. i think one of my fave things about tumblr is seeing like 50% of my dash be about fandoms im not in, bands i dont like and quotes from books i dont want to read rather than this endless feedback loop of tiktok showing me ‘exactly what i want to see’ in a trap to keep me online as long as possible and blind to communities outside of my own. i want a mix of curating my own experience and a healthy dose of content i don’t already know i want to see, yknow?


can’t use the internet without adblock because it’s so crowded that it’s unusable can’t read important breaking news without a subscription can’t get a streaming service without them eventually adding commercials can’t watch youtube videos without 30 ads can’t search up things on google without seeing a shit ton of sponsored results can’t answer unknown numbers because everything is a scam call can’t use essential app features without a 30 dollar subscription per month can’t watch a music video without product placement. is anyone else tired

me realizing gen z has probably not experienced an internet outside of this

there were dedicated forums and geocities and myspace profiles and endless mmorpgs that also had custom profiles and sites where you could make your own social network and glitter graphics and livejournal and chatzy and imvu and wizard 101 and toontown and vside and onverse and weeworld and free realms and the pirates of the caribbean game and club penguin and google was actually a search engine


Speaking of saber-toothed cat vocalizations, random trivia: since 1973, the Denver Museum of Nature and Science has had a bust of a Smilodon in the foyer. It's a donation box, and you drop coins into its throat.

When you drop a coin into its throat, it plays this yowling roar sound. It was made using the same synths they had to make the soundtracks for the planetarium shows. It's clearly electronic, but it sounds really cool:


y'all ever think about how insane the sauropods were

this is a leg off of Argentinosaurusof them and its already the size of a two story house like LOOK at the size of these fuckers

the fact that any land animal ever got to be as large as this is insane. this shit is only beat by fucking whales, creatures that dont have to support their weight on legs

To be honest I don't understand how these things were able to, like, move or breathe or anything with how heavy they must have been

This thing would have been MUCH scarier than T. rex cause like look at it

Actually they were a lot lighter than you'd think for their size, they were FULL of air sacs specifically to make them lighter. They moved by having really, really straight legs so the weight was transferred straight down into the ground, and they walked on cushioned pads just like an elephant. Their lungs were sort of constantly cycling air around because otherwise it wouldn't be much good, and the whole point of having a really really long neck was specifically that they didn't need to move much!!!!

Like, they're incredibly unspecialised herbivores who just ate everything and let the gut handle it (hence why they had to get so big, just because they had to fit A LOT of gut in there) like their mouths were basically just Rakes.

This thing was built to sweep its head from high to low to near to far and rake in everything it could eat. By evolving a long neck it basically meant it was giving itself a huge range of motion to eat with but also being VERY energy-efficient because moving your legs takes a LOT more energy than just. Tilting your neck up and down, especially at that size. So this thing was basically built to be incredibly, INCREDIBLY energy efficient, light and weight-spreading for its size.

Blue whales sort of practice a similar feeding style, where because they're so Big and need so Much food, they just sort of went "ok im just going to take in AS MUCH food as possible as efficiently as possible" and the thing is. Using baleen takes 0 effort really other than opening and closing your mouth. Which is why whales can grow to be really big. See in the ocean weight matters less, so you can afford to just have a big mouth, but land animals have to do it differently.

Being Big isn't just a case of having lots of food available. It's about being as Efficiently able to eat it as possible. Hell, i mean elephants basically evolved the same thing, except they've just given themselves really long noses rather than necks. It means the elephant can stay in one spot while still reaching huge amounts.

Idk if you actually wanted answers, but, well, here they are.


im gonna shit

The prophet… he tried to warn us. He told us it was too much power, and yet we all laughed. We made a joke of him.

Moreos Guy, if you’re out there, I would like to personally apologize for not heeding your warning to us.

Can’t fathom how I’ve been on this site so goddamn long that there’s a whole new generation of people on here that don’t know who Moreos Guy was.


Unrestrained summer fun

I'm haunted by this fucking alligator. I can't avoid it. Every single time I'm on my dash this alligator is here. I have no issue with this allgiator but there are constant unrestrained summer funs all over my dashboard.w hat is happening. why can I not escape this fuckingalligator

Are you asking us to restrain him?

GOD forbid women do anything these days

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