
Nuclear Lemons

@despazito / despazito.tumblr.com

26 she/her local bi ghoul

[ID: The first is an image of Canada and Mexico with the United States edited out that reads "Oh thank god it was just a dream". The second image is an image of North America with all lands labelled with the names of the tribes living on them that reads "Oh thank god it was just a dream".]

here is a REALLY detailed hq map of indigenous american nations if you're interested (you are.)

and alaska. and hawai'i.

looks like we all talked enough shit that staff put The Community Guidelines Violating Maps™ back


Crystal is a Louisiana brand of hot sauce but perplexingly its sole exclusive distributor in canada is an importer of middle eastern goods, and we've only managed to find it in the middle eastern import sections/shops. I'd love to know how that came to be


Went for a dunk in the river


cannot get over how much the spaceworld demo versions of raikou/entei/suicune look like some teenager's wolf ocs i love them

Anonymous asked:

I'm looking to get a purebred cat (scottish straight) for the first time and I'm worried about getting the perfect one from a good breeder who will have a long, healthy life. Do you have any tips or advice or questions to ask the breeder to make sure I get a good one? I'm not ready to pay what some breeders are asking for but I also don't want to end up with an improperly or unethically bred cat. I don't think I'll get scammed since I'm pretty good at identifying scottish cats and you can see when there are folds in the litter, but everything else worries me a little. Thanks!

This is not a breed which can be ethically purchased.

Unless you find a breeder who produces only straights, which I have yet to see, you will be financially supporting an individual who willingly produces cat destined to suffer. Your cat may be fine but his siblings would only know a life of pain.

The characteristic folded ears of the Scottish Fold are due to weak cartilage, but cartilage is found throughout the body and not just in the ears. The gene which effects the ears is not localized to that body part, the cartilage throughout the body is impacted.

Folds suffer from debilitating arthritis from a young age.

This condition is called osteochondrodysplasia and is well documented and understood in the breed. This isn’t a theory or speculation, we know it is universally present in cats with the folded ear phenotype and why. It cannot be avoided or bred out.

I strongly recommend you reconsider your choice in breed.

The American Shorthair and British Shorthair have a similar phenotype and temperament and can be ethically bred and purchased.


Sure, as long as we understand that “I don’t want to” is a significant and valid reason.


For a while, my local shelters had a year long waiting list for all cats under 10 years old and was categorically refusing to adopt to people with children, so no, we can't all just adopt from a shelter.

I think the supply of shelter cats has come up a little since then, but still. "Adopt from a shelter" doesn't necessarily cover demand for cats.

Here are some reasons people have told me they were denied by a shelter because of:

  • Being younger than 24-25, regardless of profession and stability. One individual I’d spoken to was denied based on their age despite being a vet tech.
  • Being too old, even if the application is for a senior pet or if the individual has relatives or other accomodations lined up in the event of passing.
  • Having children in the household, regardless of age or experience and education in correctly and politely handling animals.
  • Having intact animals in the home, even if they’re of a different and reproductively incompatible species. I’ve seen this include reptiles and birds. Even if the animal eligible for adoption is already fixed.
  • Breeding or having bred animals, even if they were of a different and reproductively incompatible species, regardless of if the prospective adopter currently bred and for what reason. Even if the animal eligible for adoption is already fixed.
  • Having animals in the home which are not vaccinated despite said animals being of a species which isn’t routinely vaccinated or doesn’t have vaccines readily available for, such as reptiles.
  • Not being a homeowner, renting, living in an RV or other mobile housing accomodations, etc. Anything beside a house with a fenced-in yard, really.
  • Being, or having an individual in the home who is, Autistic.
  • Being an amputee, having to use a mobility aid such as a cane or wheelchair, or being otherwise disabled. Alleged concern is about not being able to handle the animal in an emergency.
  • Intending to keep your cat indoor only. This is mostly an issue in large sections of Europe, where free-range cats are the cultural norm. Harness and leash time is typically not considered sufficient.
  • Having “too many” animals pass away in a given amount of time, regardless of circumstances. Because I guess if you have multiple animals live into their late teens and pass around the same time due to age-related conditions you’re a bad pet owner somehow.
  • Having had an animal euthanized due to behavioral issues regardless of circumstances and other options that were exhausted first. I’ve seen someone whose rescue was supportive of the behavioral euth, allowed the individual to continue fostering but then declined an adopting citing the behavioral euth as the reason.

And before y’all come in here saying “They can’t do that, it’s illegal!” please remember that not all people know their rights and that even among those who do the legal resources to combat discrimination are not always readily available and there may be other factors discouraging individuals from pursuing action against discriminatory agencies.

Ableism, ageism, classism, racism and xenophobia are all major barriers to adoption.


Please this has to be an elaborate troll

"attacking a living breathing being" help why are they talking as if dogs are the only carnivorous species on earth

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