
that just makes you a beta cuck.


Call me Swarm or Dusk. I use all pronouns, but do not default to binary pronouns only.

masks and helmets that hides someone's face in such a way that they become the face themselves my beloved

these are all creatures to me

Angel of War, angular and strange, gleaming silver and gold, Angel of Wonder, pure and one-eyed, looking to stars new and old, Angel of Harvest, simple and hidden, bring nature's sweetness to all, Angel of Health, mysterious and fine, beacon when life starts to fall, Angel of the Deep, crooked and cage-like, guide us across the sea, Angel of Solace, protect us from evil, lead us to where we are free.


Was inspired by the previous post a while back, and had been working on this on and off for a long while.

You can see the full-resolution versions on My Patreon.


Shoutout to butches who are masc in the loser fail way. Let me hear it for the women who dress like Jesse Pinkman. Love for the dykes who could trade clothes with their 12yo little brothers and be wearing the exact same style. Respect to the all them butches who wanted to be masc but the only masculine figures you had in you life who didnā€™t suck major ass were the boys you hung out with in high school who have all broken their arm attempting a stupid stunt on a trampoline.

I was talking about myself in this btw but know that I absolutely apply this to bi and trans butches šŸ§”šŸ¤šŸ’›


"It took me TWO years to finish this sketch book!" Well that's cuz you're not fuckin sketching. Those are fully painted pieces dawg that's a renderedbook. I've gone through four sketchbooks in my off time this year alone I just draw stupid faces and shit for fun. pussy up like the rest of us and start drawing stick figures with guns

I can't express how damaging this has been to young artists.

Of the many things I struggled to explain to my students "Your sketch book is mainly for practicing techniques, practicing new things, NOTES, and dumb doodles that come to your mind that can inspire you later or help lead you to a good idea. It is NOT where you draw you final pieces. Please kill that darling," is pretty high on the list.

I legit started calling it a "first draft" book to activate prior knowledge from English because influences have destroyed the concept of sketchbooks.


girl 1: u look so beautiful in this light

girl 2: blushes

girl 3: (bad at hiding that shes immortal) i swear that mountain is shorter than the last time i saw it


as an aroace person with limited sexual experience, no interest in watching porn, and poor sex ed as a teen, there IS something simultaneously funny and vaguely tragic about being 28 adult years old and realising how extremely tiny your frame of reference is for genitalia and deciding you should expand this to better understand bodies (yours and others). and then you're just there like "okay so what the fuck do I even google right now, anyway"


Breast Gallery-Nonsexualized Images of real, anonymously submitted breasts

Critique My Dick Pic [tumbex archive]-real submitted dick centric nudes

thank you (i think?)

why wouldn't it be thank you? you expressed interest in sexual education materials related to genital body diversity, and i keep these resources on hand for exactly that purpose.

it's natural to be curious about bodies--yours and others. the presence or lack of sexual intent motivating that curiosity is irrelevant. they're just body parts

I also found one of my favorites I couldn't find this morning: The Great Wall of Vulva and their Labia Library

sorry, my gratitude was real, my uncertainty was @ me ("am i sure i actually want to spend my evening looking at genitals or was i using the difficulty of knowing what to google as an excuse not to learn things") lol

do you have any resources for trans bodies, especially transmasc bodies? i am interested in better understanding what changes i might expect as someone on testosterone, but though i found references to photo projects re: bottom growth in a few places, all the links were dead

totally, the London Transgender Clinic and Dr. Keelee MacPhee have a variety of before and after photos related to various gender affirmation procedures.

i think that r/GrowYourTDick is the best repository of images of specifically trans masculine bottom growth. I can't comment on the culture of the forum, but there is absolutely a lot of images of transmasculine genitalia and extensive discussion of physical changes.

For (relatively*) trustworthy information, Hudson's FTM Resource Guide contains a lot of information about medical side effects and Things To Generally Be Aware Of, like increased risk for yeast infections and tips for managing locker rooms/swimming. *I can't verify that this information is up to date

I'm not directly connected to any trans masc transition support networks, but i know that discord is a thriving space for transition support and information sharing. i think it would be relatively easy to find positive community there. they often compile resources and information for members as well as provide topical discussion spaces. here's the disboard listings for public trans masc oriented servers

and this is just a really beautiful series of portraits of trans masculine people.

that about taps me out on resources!

no, I lied, I'm not done. I spent way too long looking for this photography archive documenting trans nude portraits specifically. lost to the ether. found other stuff though:

Archive of Body Alchemy: Transsexual Portraits by Loren Cameron, which includes images of genitalia in its "Genital Reconstruction" section, page 46. Portraits of clothed trans masculine people other than the author begin on page 34 in the "New Man Series."

thanks! sharing for the sake of anyone else interested too

yeah there's so many dead links out there it's tragic. sometimes you even get as far as the artist's website and they'll have a page for the project but then the project is gone and you just get a 404. i'm guessing the increasing hostility of internet providers and stuff towards nudity/nsfw content and also the general atmosphere for trans people has an impact on the safety and practicalities of continuing to host stuff like that :(


ok so thereā€™s a game me and my friends play called ā€œdonā€™t get me startedā€ and basically someone gives another person a random topic and they have to go on an angry rant about it and itā€™s the best thing thatā€™s ever happened to us at parties and car rides so I highly recommend playing sometimes with your friends


I love this idea. We used to do things like this in Improv.

Related game: ā€œTHINK ABOUT IT.ā€ Youā€™re given a random topic, and your job is to build it into an epic conspiracy theory, the crazier the better. You end your rant with a serious face and the command that your listeners ā€œThink about it.ā€Ā 

Another related game: Illuninati. Similar to Think About It except you are given 2 completely different topics and you have to connect them to each other in a wild conspiracy rant

Rb to safe an awkward hang out


why do i have to explain to grown ass adults that human rights r called human rights bc every single human is entitled to them bc they r human, n they should never b taken away no matter who they are or what they did. and that advocating for the removal of human rights, nomatter who the target of it is, is not only incredibly cruel but will eventually spiral and lead to oppression. didnt we learn that shit in like 5th grade.

"well you see taking away THIS group's human rights will fix ever-" no it wont!! it wont!!!!! and it never will!!!!


oh you wanna date me? well get in line

I was trying to find a gif of Shrek walking through the felt ropes while the Farquaad mascot ran zig zag through them but I couldnt find it

I have failed

u rang



So there's a thing where a bunch of countries have national variants of the rainbow pride flag, right?

Like, they'll combine their nation's flag (or some national symbol) with the rainbow stripes. The Brazilian one haunts me to this day but that's a long story. They're usually done in a quite lazy manner, cause it's not really something you can do super well and not many people try.

But I have just found one that is lazier than the rest! Are you ready to see it?

and made it worse for my personal enjoyment :)

Thank you for your service

absolutely nobody will ever be able to defeat maryland on this. it will always win the competition. it does not matter whether the competition is for the worst or the best localized pride flag. it wins both.

Shoutout to St. Louis as well, it made me do a double take the first time I saw it

oh that's a nice one!

the colors are a tad weird, but it works well otherwise

yall wish you had oregon's flag

yay more state pride flags! I need to go through and import all of these into VGAPride


looked up my states flag and

uh oh

its so busy

Busy, but your state definitely remembers the B in LGBT

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