From the course: Lead Generation: Multichannel PPC Strategy

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Strategically allocating PPC budget

Strategically allocating PPC budget

- [Instructor] By now, you have a good sense for which channels your prospects are using and the available targeting options. Now it's time to determine how much budget to allocate to each opportunity. In order to effectively allocate your media budget, the first step is to review your goals. Are your goals purely focused on lead generation? Or are there any other goals that you hope your paid media campaigns will help you achieve? Let's take a step back and also consider your product category, and more specifically, your brand. Is there existing demand? Do people know what to look for? Or do you need to create that demand? If you need to build demand for your category or awareness and interest in your brand, then it makes sense to have other secondary and tertiary goals beyond lead gen. Now back to budgeting. Start first by determining how the campaign's performance will be assessed. While Legion is pretty…
