From the course: Lead Generation: Multichannel PPC Strategy

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- [Instructor] Thanks for joining us for this course. It's been so much fun to put together. Hopefully now you have a good idea of which channels you'd like to start with, have some ideas for targeting and audiences, feel comfortable setting up measurement and carving out budgets, and are ready to start generating some leads. I highly recommend writing out your plans first, just to make sure that you have all the details worked out, then jumping in to start building your campaigns. The one exception is that you can go ahead and set up your tracking in advance. That way, you can start building an audience while you flesh out the rest of the details. To learn more about specific ad platforms and tactical setup, check out the huge variety of LinkedIn Learning courses. To stay in the know and receive new content weekly, subscribe to my newsletter at If you have any questions, please feel…
