From the course: Lead Generation: Multichannel PPC Strategy

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PPC strategy: Lead generation for international businesses

PPC strategy: Lead generation for international businesses

From the course: Lead Generation: Multichannel PPC Strategy

PPC strategy: Lead generation for international businesses

- [Instructor] Lead gen for international businesses is an exciting challenge, and challenging it certainly can be. While the premise of lead gen is the same no matter your business structure, there are some additional things that you have to account for when you're driving leads at the international level. In this video, we're going to talk about considerations for international lead gen campaigns. Consider the type of information your stakeholders need to know. Can the budget be spread at your discretion? Or are there regional factors that impact the budget? Can leads come from anywhere? Or do you need a specific distribution? If you just need to report on performance by location, by country, by region, that's simple enough, but if you need to control performance on a more granular level, you would likely need to address your structure accordingly. I highly recommend breaking out international campaigns at least…
