From the course: Lead Generation: Multichannel PPC Strategy

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Defining a target market for your lead generation PPC strategy

Defining a target market for your lead generation PPC strategy

From the course: Lead Generation: Multichannel PPC Strategy

Defining a target market for your lead generation PPC strategy

- [Instructor] Today, we're going to discuss how to define the target market for your lead generation strategy. Envision the perfect prospect. Now, what are the characteristics that make them the perfect prospect? In order to drive highly qualified prospects we want to be deliberate about exactly who we target. Having a deep understanding of the target market will help us define targeting criteria and develop content that speaks to their needs. In this video we'll focus on defining who is, and who is not, a good fit for the product. Maybe you have a deep understanding of this, or maybe you don't. If you're part of marketing I highly recommend involving other client-facing teams in this process, such as sales and customer success. Setting up times to interview them can help the marketing team to better understand what is and what isn't a good lead based upon their experience. The reason that I suggest setting up an…
