Z kurzu: Lead Generation: Multichannel PPC Strategy

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Planning a testing budget for PPC

Planning a testing budget for PPC

- [Instructor] It's really easy to set a budget and stick to it, especially if the channels and campaigns that you start out with are performing really well. The risk is that you could miss something because you aren't testing. It's really important not to get complacent. You should constantly be testing new channels and campaign types to see if you can further improve your performance. Let's talk about how you can plan a test budget. First, make sure that you don't fragment the test budget too far by trying too many things at once. If your test budget is too small to collect meaningful results, then you'll want to increase it to be a bit more. I typically recommend allocating 10 to 20% of your budget to test budgets. But if you have large budgets, you may be able to get away with doing a test budget of closer to 5%. The key is to run projections on your expected results. If the test budget isn't high enough to…
