From the course: HR Reps: Here's How to Invest in Your Employees

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Training and development

Training and development

If you could change just one thing about your company that would increase employee productivity, what would it be? In this lesson, I'll show you that all you need to do is more of what you're already doing. Training and developing employees. As Ben Franklin puts it, an investment in knowledge always pays the best interest. First, focus on employee retention. Retaining good employees requires commitment and dedication. This is vital to the success of growing your business. In my experience, employees who do not receive the necessary job training to become more effective will exit their positions within the first year, leaving you to backfill that role. So the question is, wouldn't you rather invest in your current talent? Yes, I know you would. The next important aspect of employee development is the emotion commitment and connection they feel toward their work and the organization. A great opportunity to reach this connection could be an emotional or behavioral assessment, such as the…
