From the course: HR Reps: Here's How to Invest in Your Employees

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The employee survey

The employee survey

Giving your employees a voice allows them to feel valued. In this lesson, I'll explain the key reasons You should be conducting an employee engagement survey. First, a survey gives you a measure of your employees engagement. This allows you the opportunity to course correct and make adjustments based on the feedback your employees provide. For example, if you see an employee has expressed concern in not feeling valued, you can then solicit ideas of what activities might make them feel more rewarded. It could be adding an additional vacation day as a thank you a company social event at the end of the workday or a fun team-building exercise. Next, a survey gives each employee a voice. An employee survey gives them an opportunity to provide constructive and confidential feedback. And last and more importantly, once you’ve gathered the appropriate information from the survey, the real work begins. Now, you can start to create an action plan on how you implement new ideas in an effort to…
