From the course: HR Reps: Here's How to Invest in Your Employees

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What's important in a candidate

What's important in a candidate

I remember a leader called me and wondered if we could have a discussion regarding an associate and their performance. Unbeknownst to me, this particular associate was not performing at the level the leader needed for this role. After asking several probing questions and trying to get to the root of the problem, we then realized that during the associates onboarding, accurate expectations for the job hadn't been established with them. When you're hiring, it's essential to ask questions that set expectations of what you're looking for. In this lesson, I'll share with you some questions to ask new hires to ensure great expectations are established before the work begins. First, I would suggest determining core competencies needed for the role. Once you've determined those core competencies, use them to drive the type of question you ask to ensure you get the best hire. Next, sit down to determine based on those core competencies. What questions align with them. An example question is…
