From the course: HR Reps: Here's How to Invest in Your Employees

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Questions for current employees

Questions for current employees

You've heard the phrase job satisfaction often, right? But have you really stopped to consider what job satisfaction is? My definition of job satisfaction is feeling fulfilled by the work that I'm performing. High rates of job satisfaction effectively leads to reduced jobs. Stress in your organization, decreased employee turnover and improved organizational productivity. Employee satisfaction impacts motivation how one achieve their goals and positions morale at work. We know satisfied employees are often more loyal to the organization, right? They also have the ability to be ambassadors for your brand. In this lesson, I'll give you some tools you can use to measure your employee satisfaction. First, you want to ensure you're talking to your associates one on one. Those one on one conversations allow your employees to feel more comfortable expressing their emotions. This gives you the private space needed to better understand how an employee is feeling. It also provides you with an…
