From the course: HR Reps: Here's How to Invest in Your Employees

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Hiring according to your needs

Hiring according to your needs

Have you ever been so worried about filling a vacancy that you panicked saying to your team, “Oh, my goodness, we had to fill this open role before Tina leaves.” Then you rush to hire without taking the time to thoroughly assess your talent, both skills and personality are very important to consider when hiring for culture. Making sure your potential employee has the right skillset for the job is crucial to ensure you're selecting the best candidate to meet your business goals. Slowing down to fully vet a candidate is an investment you won't regret. Let me show you how to use the precious time you invest in hiring to effectively consider both skills and personality. In the end, selecting the best candidate for your business goals. First, identify the important competencies that are needed for the role you're looking to fill. You would be amazed at the work accomplished and what level of detail you walk away with after determining what core competencies are needed for a specific role…
