From the course: CCSK Cert Prep: 4 Data Security for Computing

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Storage account keys and shared access signatures

Storage account keys and shared access signatures

From the course: CCSK Cert Prep: 4 Data Security for Computing

Storage account keys and shared access signatures

- [Instructor] When you have a storage account in Microsoft Azure, there are multiple ways that you can control access to the contents of that storage account. For example, here in the portal, let's open up in the left-hand navigator, our storage accounts view, and I've got one storage account here, so I'm going to click to open it up. Now, one of the things we should note here is that if we kind of scroll down in the property bar on the left, we'll get down to this section under security and networking called access keys and if I select that, I can click Show keys and it reveals that we have two keys, key1 and key2. We also have a connection string that goes along with each of those keys. Now, first of all, what does a key do? Well, a key full access to everything in the entire storage account. You can do whatever you want, if you have one of these keys and it makes no difference which one you have. So you might…
