From the course: CCSK Cert Prep: 4 Data Security for Computing

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Storage account encryption

Storage account encryption

- One way to enable protection for data at rest in the Microsoft Azure cloud is at the storage account level. Let's get started here in the Azure portal by taking a look at the default state of a newly created storage account. So what I'm going to do here in the portal in the upper left is open up my navigator bar or go down and I'll click on storage accounts. That will show me any storage accounts I've already created, I only have one. So I'm going to click to open up its properties. Now in the left-hand navigation bar, I'm interested in going down and looking at the encryption option under the security and networking section. When I click encryption, what I'm seeing is that encryption is already enabled. It says Microsoft managed keys. Okay? So we have protection for data at rest, but Microsoft has access to those keys in the Azure cloud. Now that might not work for compliance with certain laws and regulations where perhaps we…
